RIP Freeman Dyson. Breathtakingly original mathematician & physicist who also wrote beautifully about our place in the world. His essays on the morality of strategic bombing & nuclear weapons, the preservation of the environment were transformative. Last of the magicians.
What made Dyson so endlessly fertile was an ability to see the world thru different contradictory 'reference frames'. Disturbing the Universe, for eg., had an unforgettable scene of him reading Mann & Godel at UK's Bomber Command. Wonder, beauty & cruelty.
Dyson was in UK Bomber command that firebombed German cities in WW2 & like Vonnegut the archetype of La Ville Morte - the dead city- resurfaced in his assesmemt of 20thC science. A distillation of the agonies of 100s of real cities that have been destroyed
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