What led to socialism & the Deep State attempting to destroy our rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness?
Communism seeks to make one’s personal property the property of the state. Every communist regime has said the same thing—socialism’s goal is communism.
Leading up to America’s birth, a period of time called the Enlightenment occurred. How should men govern and be governed? What are inalienable rights? These questions were the life’s work of many men.
Enlightenment philosophies were a double-edged sword as a whole.

In some ways, they paved the way for America’s “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

They also influenced communist philosophers.
Have you heard of John Locke? Thomas Jefferson called John Locke one of "my trinity of the three greatest men the world [has] ever produced." John Locke is considered one of the greatest of the Enlightenment-era thinkers.


Locke also spent many of his days in exile in Holland for his ideas and influence.

Turmoil in England revolved around the very issues that established America. Issues to be stated below.
John Locke coined a phrase later to be edited by Thomas Jefferson: “Life, liberty, and estate [or property].” Did you know that personal property was of such great importance that Locke penned it as one of his three greatest unalienable rights?
Jefferson, understanding its broad depth, clarified with “the pursuit of happiness.”
It’s important to note, as stated earlier, that not only the founding fathers were influenced by Locke. Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau were also influenced by him. Rousseau’s work paved the way for the French Revolution.
Long story short, the issues and turmoil were felt all over the western world and 2 lines of thinking resulted, which followed in 2 major revolutions.
The Two Major Revolutions:

The American Revolution (1765) based on “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”—unalienable God-given rights

The French Revolution (1789) based on socialist/communist ideas and the forcible overthrow of the monarch
The American Revolution established a way of governing that protected citizens first and their God-given, natural rights—those every man should have.
The French Revolution rioters guillotined the monarch and replaced one group of rulers with a revolutionary group of rulers who created change by force.
The Am. Rev. lead to the establishment of a country that had learned from history. It gave way to what people still call “The American Dream”— a nation that strives to improve, learn from its own history, & provide people opportunities to be successful regardless of class/race.
The Fr. Rev. further developed revolutionary philosophies: law of the jungle principles>survival of the fittest

Replaced one group of fallible humans w/ another who were more revolutionary. It led to the death of mil. of innocent ppl. through communism. https://twitter.com/robcounts/status/1230519613420691458?s=20
You see, socialism is a term people don’t understand unless they take time to understand history. It’s been turned into a term that almost seems hip to “woke” people. But the men who penned its principles were not men they would, by today’s standards, associate with.
So should “democratic socialism” be allowed to separate from this extremely important history? And is democratic socialism possible? The answer is it’s impossible to separate.
Socialism was created for only one reason—to pave the way for communism. Mao considered socialism to be extremely important to carry out ongoing revolutions. Socialism means whatever the rulers want it to mean. In other words, they use the word socialism in place of communism.
Communism aims to make all personal property the property of the government. Take a look at the comparison between Adam Weishaupt’s world revolution tactics and those of Marx’s “planks of Communism.” They have startling similarities.
In order to force people into abiding by the rules of a soc./comm. regime, one’s personal property has to be the property of the state. Soc.’s goal is to move people in the direction of giving up more & more of their personal property until the state owns everything. Soc.=Comm.
Once the state owns everything, it’s difficult for us to be able to fight for anything, and the regime can come in and take whatever it wants whenever it wants to.

This is not freedom.
Those things you own and worked hard for should be yours, which is why heavy taxes are a concern.

What your grandparents wanted to pass down to you should not be the property of the state.

How you want to raise your child is your God-given right.
The loss of your property and rights is a situation the forefathers, whether you like them or not, were trying to protect you against. It also happens to be why the 2nd Amendment became so important (but that is outside the purpose of this thread).
This also happens to be why “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” is so important for you and I to treasure. In it lies the freedom of all mankind—our unalienable rights. A chance at being happy.
Jefferson knew better than anyone what Locke was getting at. He knew what property meant, and his edit of “Life, liberty, and estate” to “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” may be the most important edit in history.
We, as Americans, have a choice here whether or not to go down a dark path that many other countries have gone down. They have fallen hard through socialism and communism and their people have paid the price.
Next time someone says they want to make something you hold dear the property of the state, whatever that is, I hope you think about whether that would interfere with your Life, Liberty or the pursuit of your own Happiness.
We’re all patriots. It’s time to realize that.

I have attempted to sum up many big, historical issues in short words. Forgive me for my well-intentioned attempt to simplify a history worth many more. As always: Don’t believe me. Do your own research.
LEAD: Jean-Jacques Rousseau paved the way for REVOLUTION
Adam Weishaupt constructed the ACTUAL machinery of REVOLUTION
We've documented everything in our Communism Series. It's a must watch if you have time. Visit Edge of Wonder on Youtube and see uncensored videos on http://Edgeofwonder.TV . https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIzv8g1mw1OrNdsGDkAFaBdoWYgR5C3IW
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