GREAT WOMAN OF MATHEMATICS: DOROTHY VAUGHAN, 1910-2008. A native of Kansas City, Missouri, Vaughan graduated from Wilberforce University with a degree in mathematics at age 19. Taught maths at segregated schools under Jim Crow laws until she was recruited to work for NASA at 1/5
the Langley Research Center. She was one of the "human computers" who was responsible for calculating flight paths, as well as the Scout Project. She was an early pioneer of computer programming, helping make the transition to FORTRAN at NASA. She was the first black American 2/5
to supervise a team at NASA and one of the earliest female supervisors. Made famous by the book and film, "Hidden Figures," she played a crucial rose at NASA in the exciting, history-making era of the Apollo missions. She was an active member of her church, as well as being 3/5
a faithful singer in the choir and supporter of missionary activities. Her passion for mathematics was so great that she wrote a song about it called "Math Math." She and her husband raised four children. She died at age 98, survived by four children, 10 grandchildren, 4/5
and 14 great-grandchildren. Her legacy as both a mathematician and programmer will be long-lasting and her role as an inspiration to young women and young people of color who love STEM and space will last forever. Played brilliantly in the film by @octaviaspencer. #GWOM 5/5
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