1/3 Reading US Presidential Candidate Senator Sanders’ platform on China and noticed he provided a citation for his claim China uses cheap child labour to undercut adult American workers. Followed the hyperlink and learned the most egregious thing about his claim on child labour:
2/3 Turns out it was not a story on China utilising child labour but actually a story on China ELIMINATING child labour. A capitalist company was illegally luring children just a year or two below the legal employable age and was punished when caught. The claim =/= citation.
3/3 Imperialists WILL LIE TO YOU, even your “progressive” ones. US cultural hegemony and exploitation are based on these very lies.

The link to Senator Sanders’ China platform: https://feelthebern.org/bernie-sanders-on-china/

The link to the Senator’s “citation” on child labour: https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/china-says-child-labor-ring-uncovered/
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