Steven Gerrard has a worse win record (52.27%) compared to these awful managers:

Mark Warburton, 65.85% - Sacked
Padro Caixinha, 53.85% - Sacked
Graeme Murty, 62.07% - Unconsidered
Rangers are over-reliant on striker Alfredo Morelos.

There's no denying his talent but a record of seven red cards in three seasons would've worried me if I was a Rangers fan.

Morelos is supposed to be a changed man but old habits seem to die hard.
Few years ago I've said Celtic is going to get 10 titles in a row, Rangers fans mocked me. Today that reality is not far away. You can lie to yourself but you can't escape facts and eventually you must face the truth.
The difference between Celtic and Rangers is the markets they are shopping in.

Celtic have had 10 different goalscorers in the last 4 games.


Can we say same thing for Rangers?
Should Rangers carry on with Steven Gerrard as manager?
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