when I said “what if one day your clothes wore you,” I was trying to convey the concept of wearing clothes not because they make you and your figure look good, but because the clothes themselves look good, and you are just acting as a canvas. (1/6)
The thought branched off the idea of those old articles I’d see all the time that said “top 10 clothes women wear that men think are ugly,” as if this was supposed to persuade me to not wear high waisted pants, which was listed at #5. (2/6)
Like I pick my clothes based on how I think they’ll look on my body, rather than how they’ll make my body look. I don’t layer three different shirts bc I’m trying to appeal to anyone or show anything off, I layer three shirts bc fashion is pain and it fucking looks good. (3/6)
it was also on my mind bc of all the dumb #BirdsOfPrey comments I’ve heard from guys saying the movie made Margot Robbie ugly. Bitch WHERE. Harley’s design throughout the whole movie (mostly at the club though ngl) is peak attractiveness not bc it was showing off her body (4/6)
but because of the CONFIDENCE and the PIECES they chose to dress her in. The eyebrow jewels? ICONIC. Gold jumpsuit? FIRE. sequin socks and clear boots??? Someone take me away, I can’t deal with this. Anyway Margot Robbie is not the point of this thread (but MR call me pls) (5/6),
the point is I’m tired of living in a society where attractive fashion is fashion that shows you off, instead of fashion that you show off. I hope you enjoyed this ted talk, I’ll be walking around the floor later if anyone has any questions. Y’all have a good night 👋(6/6)
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