Ever wondered how the anti-trans PR machine works, spreading trans-hostile propaganda and indoctrinating the naive and misinformed to their ideology?

Here’s the story of the “WPUK bomber” (who wasn’t) and how one randomer’s stupid tweet became weaponised against trans people...
June 2018; WPUK were all set to hold an anti-trans event in Hastings on 20.6.18, when some random twitter account tweeted that there was a “hidden device” at the venue 6 days before.

Not getting a response, he tweeted again, this time tagging Hastings Police on 14.6.18 at 8.27pm
By lunchtime of the next day (15.6.18) TERF Twitter was in meltdown and Hastings Police was all over it...
Almost immediately the “gender critical” cabal had swooped into action, trawling the randomer’s twitter account and concluding he was an unlikely threat. They even noted that his location was hundreds of miles away... Yes, it was just another sad troll stirring trouble!...
The would-be-but-not-really “bomber” even popped back on Twitter a couple of days later on 17.6.18 to confirm that; yes, he was indeed a sad Twitter troll who just liked to eat KFC! 🍗

However, by then TERFs had already started their spin that it was ‘trans rights activists’...
A TERF blog later and a quick call to one of their on-call right-wing anti-trans journalist friends, and the “shock horror” misleading line that “TRA’s had made bomb threats against ‘feminists’” hit the UK media headlines....
The “news” was soon picked up (uncritically and unquestioned) by mainstream media and spread exponentially from there, each time becoming more and more embedded as “truth”...
Yet those who were there *knew* the truth, but it didn’t suit their narrative to clarify that it wasn’t, as everyone had been led to believe, “aggressive TRAs”.... But they remained ambiguous, as the lie benefited their transphobic ideology...
And so the lie spread... Even by those who had originally recognised that the non-existent “bomb threat” had come from a “Male Bo Derek” twitter troll, they now rewrote history, claiming it was “activists” on media platforms known to be trans-hostile...
Yet further the lie spread, repurposed by “gender critical” academics looking to influence their peers in specialist publications...attempting to ‘peak trans’ them to reject trans colleagues and students, while painting themselves as victims....
Confident they had successfully managed to point the finger of blame for the “bomb threat” at “trans rights activists” through careful wording and lack of clarification, WPUK even mention it on their website.

Is it for sympathy, or to generate more mistrust about trans people?..
And the lie has clearly worked... As this recording by @BBCRadio4 @BBCWomansHour captured at a ‘Woman’s Place UK’ event last month - A woman joined WPUK after hearing about the (non existent) “bomb threat”!
And the lie has clearly worked... As this recording by @BBCRadio4 @BBCWomansHour captured at a ‘Woman’s Place UK’ event last month - A woman joined WPUK after hearing about the (non existent) “bomb threat”!
So what is the moral of this story?...

❗️Don’t believe anything ‘gender critical’ campaigners tell you

❗️Don’t believe everything you read in the press

❗️Even academics & lawyers can be suckered in by transphobic lies

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