10 questions I would like to ask about faith and Christianity.

As someone who has been a part of the church all her life, I would truly appreciate it if this thread could be civil and informative. Let's engage, agree and disagree. Respectfully. Your God is not under attack.
1. Is there room for equality in Christianity?

Does God create men and women:

Different and unequal?
Different and equal?

How does this manifest in priesthood, marriage, partnerships and other cultural activities?
2. At what point does marriage begin in God's eyes?

Does God defect to the socio-cultural rituals we subscribe to or can two people agree, commit to each other, and be married in God's eyes? Does God require family consent? Does he require vows? When does a marriage begin?
3. Is salvation once and for all?

Are you saved once and for all or can you lose salvation? If you can, does that mean that works contribute to righteousness and what can you do to lose your salvation? If you can't, what's the value of righteousness if belief is all you need?
4. Does judgement happen at the time of death or in the future after rapture?

There seems to be two schools of thought - that we die and face judgement immediately and dead people are already in heaven or hell. Others say, you coast until rapture. Purgatory, a third?
5. If sick and righteous people go to heaven, do mentally sick and righteous people who die by suicide also go to heaven or is the effect of their sickness treated same as the sin of murder?
6. Israel is special to God. However, when Christians politically align themselves with Israel, no matter what, because that's God's own country, are they doing so correctly or erroneously?

Does God favor geographical blue-white flag Israel over the rest of the world?
7. How do you determine which aspect of the Bible is pre-grace, post-grace or open to the Spirit? Also, when you say the Bible is 'inerrant' is that literal or figurative?

Literal - this is literally how it was inspired.

Figurative - God uses everything so nothing is in error.
8a. If salvation issues are black and white, how do you account for variations in doctrine?

Do you truly believe people outside your doctrine are errant?

How do you decide which doctrines are 'saved'? Redeemed, but not Cele. Cele, but not Catholic. Catholic but not Mormon?
8b. Which points are most important to you? Which points make up your core Creed?

Sonship of Christ?
Only one intercessor?
Baptism at all?
Baptism by immersion?
Death and Ressurection?
2nd Coming?

Do you actually know your non-negotiable creed components?
9. If we cannot invoke curses randomly, how can we invoke blessings randomly? If we can invoke curses randomly, how does it work that mere mortals can summon God into human affairs to play the role of both magician (blessings) and witch (curses)?
10. Is it destiny or free will?
11. God made human in his image. At what point did we determine that God is a man? Could God transcend gender? Could God be a she? Could God be more like a volcanic mountain with breath and spirit? How did we determine that God has the physical container of a male human?
12. When we say God's love is UNCONDITIONAL, do we mean that or are we used to saying it because it sounds good?

God has requirements of his people for them to be his people. They have to believe and they have to subscribe. Why them do we say it has no conditions?
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