The #ACEs studies conducted by the #CDC and Kaiser Permanente demonstrated that traumatic experiences in
childhood are a prime source of physical, psychological, and behavioral problems throughout life. #traumainformedKE
#ACEs also provided a new scientific basis for approaching human development through what the #WHO terms #biopsychosocial approaches. Moreover, they show that traumatic experiences tend to occur in highly interrelated clusters, rarely alone. #DevelopmentTrauma
The #ACE studies used a questionnaire that asked respondents about a dozen common adverse childhood experiences. The results showed the more traumatic experiences suffered in childhood, the more illnesses, mental problems, and destructive behaviors people will suffer in life.
In 2009 a #WHO Expert Panel concluded #ACEs are a primary cause of health and social development problems worldwide:
" #ACEs affect multiple domains of health and social function. Many conditions that public health seeks to prevent as if they were the primary problems ... "
"such as smoking, alcohol and substance misuse, depression, STDs, ... are seen to be the diverse outcomes, or symptoms, of a common set of underlying determinants." WHO 2009
" #ACEs themselves are the primary problem, and for a truly preventive, upstream approach, public health and social development policies and programs need to be explicitly aimed at #ACEs reduction." WHO 2009
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