
Dragging women in their 20s from a place of love and sisterhood.
He's not gonna get his shit together and reach out to you out of the blue sis, stop hesitating to block him.
Excessive drinking is not a personality trait. Cut that shit out.
No is a complete sentence with a spicy ass period at the end. Don't explain it. Don't feel guilty about it. Don't try to overcompensate for it.

Say no.
If it looks like a fuck boy and smells like a fuck boy....
Deadlines are for quizzes and final exams, stop giving yourself unrealistic ones to meet for major life events. You're going to exhaust yourself, and your edges.
Passive-aggressive tweeting in lieu of confronting a situation dead on makes people mute you on Twitter. Put your big girl panties on and say wtf you need to say.
Relationships and marriage and love are all fun and fucking sunshine until your unresolved trauma comes and lights it all on fire. If you're not attempting to work on those things don't be out here searching for shit else young eggroll.
Saying "I don't get along with females" is some internalized misogynistic bullshit that you've been telling yourself (and men) to pass off as slightly cooler than you really might be. You need women in your tribe. You ARE a woman. Grow the fuck up.
Valid mental health struggles aside, life is hard. The workforce is hard. Society is an asscrack filled with dumpster fires, but you have to fight for yours mama. As hard as you possibly can. Don't "woe is me" your way through some of the funnest years of your life.
When it comes to jobs, KNOW YOUR WORTH. Do NOT hesitate to negotiate your salary if you know you deserve more. Apply for those promotions. Don't apologize for being competent.
Stop dating the same people in different packaging and convincing yourself that you're moving on to bigger and better things.

Be more brutally honest with yourself than you are with anyone else.
Have sex. Have a lot of it. Have safe, healthy, exhilarating sex. DEMAND YOUR ORGASMS. Don't have these jack rabbits treating you like a flesh light.

Abstinence or celibacy should be an entirely personal choice, not one brought on by religious or societal pressure.
This one is subjective and a personal choice, but I'm including it anyway:

Live alone. Do it for at least a year. Pay bills on your own if you can. Experience solitude and independence and autonomy. Do whatever the f**** you want with it. Experiencing that is beautiful.
*Valid mental health struggles aside* Your happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life. Stop choosing feeble ass reasons to be unhappy and constantly dissatisfied with where you are if you're not going to actively do anything to change it.
Let go of the mentality that your business, brand, blog, dream etc etc is going to be the only one of its kind. Envy will destroy you from the inside out. There is room for all of us. If you plan to do something, competition is not a reason to stop or get mad about it.
Learn how to lose. Accept that not every opportunity, job, or thing you want will be a “yes.” Learn how to accept losses as opportunities to grow or transition and not as reasons to self deprecate
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