Within hours of my tweets — the original and my replies to questions — a Bloomberg manager called my husband and said, “Get your wife to delete her tweets.” I did not delete them, but I also did not tweet or speak publicly about the death threats again. https://theintercept.com/2020/02/18/mike-bloomberg-lp-nda-china/
Bloomberg lawyers threatened to devastate my family financially by forcing us to repay the company for our relocation fees to Hong Kong from Beijing...and take me to court if I did not sign an NDA — even though I had never been a Bloomberg employee. https://theintercept.com/2020/02/18/mike-bloomberg-lp-nda-china/
When Bloomberg’s lawyer in New York uttered those words, I suddenly pictured him holding a giant vacuum cleaner, trying to suck all the memories out of my brain. I told everyone that I needed to leave the room and I walked out of the building, determined to go down fighting.
The thought of Bloomberg ruining our family financially if I didn’t give in made me sick, but they had kept us in harm’s way after we received death threats, forbidden me from speaking about the threats in Beijing, and now were trying to take away my freedom of speech forever.
Bloomberg lawyers treated me as though I were a piece of company property, using intimidation and threats to try to bully me into submission. I agonized over whether to sign the NDA and I remember feeling physically suffocated, as though my mouth were stuffed with cotton balls.
I imagine that other women at Bloomberg have experienced the same terror of being threatened by a multibillion-dollar corporation, which could ruin their lives if they did not comply. Even now, I am nervous about speaking out. But the more of us speak out, the stronger we are.
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