OK! Here's Part 2 of my manager signing process: the ASSESS and DECIDE stages. BL - THERE IS NO RIGHT WAY to do this. But maybe these tips and thoughts can inform your approach. Right or wrong decision, I wanted to feel empowered in my choice. Hope you will too. Here we go! https://twitter.com/its_willyu/status/1227703891904491520
Reminder: My process unfolded in 5 Stages...
1. Research
2. Organize
3. Query
4. Assess
5. Decide

To start at the beginning with RESEARCH, click into the tweet below. https://twitter.com/its_willyu/status/1227708802780319750?s=20
1. Understand my needs as a young, emerging screenwriter
2. Identify managers that could fulfill those needs
I was fortunate enough to have a few writer friends who had expressed a range of experiences, good and bad, from their manager interactions. The biggest thing I took away was that I didn't want to be someone who jumped to sign with the first person who expressed interest.
Advice I got from friends often stopped at, "Find someone who is passionate about you" or "Who are their clients?"

All valid tips. But these seemed very surface level. Also, they all revolved around the manager.

I decided to start with a simple question: What do I need?
I thought about my experience in the ad land and the Q I ask my mentees: What skills do I want to develop now?

What matters most to me is *becoming a better writer*. Getting better at research, outlining, punching up loglines, breaking story, incorporating feedback, rewriting.
At this point, selling something is NOT my main priority. Yes, I would LOVE it if someone wants to buy/make a project I've written. But I am confident that the money, the accolades, the recognitions, will come as long as I take care of STEP ONE: Being the best writer I can be.
How do I like to work?

I like one-on-one, IRL meetings. I prefer hard conversation as long as it is thoughtful and backed up by reason. I don't like being late. I LOVE white-boarding. I want to be sponsored by @Postit and @Sharpie so they'll send me free notes and markers.
I want teammates that are as ambitious as I am and want to improve at a similar rates. I like collaborators who are more "Yes, and..." and "Why not?" I want to take for granted that we're all smart and prepared. I don't want to wonder whether you've actually read the material.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, I want creative partners who want to make *smart creative*. From my bg as a strategist, I FIRMLY BELIEVE that randomly throwing 100 darts (scripts) at the board (buyers) is an inefficient use of resources.

I'd rather throw 5 very very very precise darts.
I like to over-communicate (within reason). I'd rather overshare and be as transparent as possible than have back-channel conversations. You never know where something can go in this industry and how you can supplement an opportunity with another influential voice.
LASTLY, work-life balance is important to me. I usually try to keep my writing within regular work hours. This doesn't always (or ever) work. But creativity comes from everywhere, so I want time to go to museums, read non-script things, see friends who are doing cool(er) things.
So a manager has asked to meet you! Awesome.

Now that you know what you need, try mapping those values to questions that you can ask in the room. Here are some of mine.

The conversation will wander. That's ok. Remember, you're also there to see if they're a good fit for you!
A great question from @yapplebee: How do you navigate the "dating aspect" of manager meetings (ie. Keeping the door open while you decide)?

In general, I recommend being honest. They'll probably assume you're taking meetings. Thank them for their time and will keep in touch.
That said, this is also when I put my "job search" hat on. Because if you can/want to leverage an offer from Manager 1 to motivate Manager 2, you should! And Manager 2 won't know that they should push you to the top of the list if you don't tell them. Just be tactful!
For me, I only spoke with smaller shops and received my offers around the same time. However, a meeting, coordinated by @ScriptPipeline, came in at the 11th hour, so I had to re-calibrate a little bit. But ultimately, there wasn't a situation I felt that I had to leverage.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TIP: Ask to speak with a client of your potential manager.

Brought this with me from my ad life. Yes, it is awkward to ask. It may drag out the process longer. Scheduling is tough. But this is your career. You need to know who you're signing up with. Ask.
Hope you're still with me!

The ASSESS stage is def where I had to do the most reflection. I talked to SO MANY people. So thank you @MicheleSelene @lindazge @grking @MinWooPark415 @CarolynKras @ItsTinGin @ryanbkoo @sunil_karan @Balance510 @SPMJM and many others for the POV!
DECIDE -- // home stretch! //
Goal: Have confidence in my decision and express gratitude to those involved in the process
TOPIC I WILL REVISIT ANOTHER DAY: Going with an Asian vs. Non-Asian manager.

I was fortunate enough to meet with both Asian American and non-Asian managers. My final decision considered many variables. It was hard. Ultimately, I felt my choice best aligned with my main need.
I hope that by the end of the process, you will know what is your NORTH STAR. Your most pressing need. I hope that you now feel like you know who can best fulfill that need. All the shiny things about your manager matter, but it is YOU who have to live with the decision. Own it.
I won't share the email I sent to my manager. It went along the lines of "Yay! Excited to dive in!"

Then I messaged my family group chat and we all FREAKED OUT 🥳🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🍾🍾🍾🍾
To those I had been speaking with, I emailed them and thanked them for taking the time, wished them the best, and told them I'd support them and their clients as best I could (which I do mean!) I had a really great time getting to know them. And in this town, who knows...
AND THAT'S IT! Reiterating that this isn't the only way to get a manager, just the path I took. Take or leave what works for you! It's early days, but I am thrilled to work with Zack at @bellevueprods and believe I've found a great partner for this next stage. Let's get writing!
Thanks so much for following along! If you have any questions, please reply below or DM me. I'll get back to you as soon as I can 😁.

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Also, you can revisit PART 1 below. https://twitter.com/its_willyu/status/1227703891904491520
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