~29:17 "It is that we are pursuing the American national interest in a realpolitik kind of a way and disguising our behaviour with liberal rhetoric."
~23:15 "Or #3. You can stay involved abroad and use that power to do social engineering. On a grand scale. That, #3, is what Uncle Sam did. ... and as I pointed out to you last time, social engineering is at the heart of modern liberalism"
~0:27 "...and in my story, both Republicans and Democrats are Liberals. ... Now what exactly is Liberal Hegemony? My argument is that Liberal Hegemony is a policy, it is a foreign policy, that is designed to remake the world in America's image"
~14:21 "If you are an American, you are very proud of the fact that you live in this great liberal democracy & you believe that America is exceptional & if you can make everybody else look like us, it would be a much better world. And it is that mentality that is driving this..."
~19:10 "I believe it is not an accident that we live in a world that is populated with nation-states. I would add that, I think that the United States is a thoroughly nationalist country. Americans are very nationalistic." (1 of 2)
When Madeline Albright, who is a card-carrying liberal, says that we are the indispensable nation, we stand taller, we see further. Just think about those words: we, we as opposed to the other, we stand taller we see further, that means we are superior to others:..." (2 of 2)
~5:52 "Do you believe that human beings are fundamentally social animals who carve out room for their individuality? Or, do you believe that we are fundamentally individuals, to begin with, who come together and form social contracts?"
~6:55 "Second is that Liberalism assumes that human beings cannot use their critical faculties to discover universal truths. When it comes to first principles, ..., about what is the good life, what is proper political system, we cannot reach universal agreement."
"~8:34 So, the central question for Liberalism is how should politics be arranged to deal with this potential for violence? This is what Liberalism is all about. Thinking about this central problem."
~46:19 "Surprise surprise! Because my mother taught me when I was a little boy: what is good for the goose is good for the gander, you know? So, if we don't like the Russians interfering in our politics, don't be surprised that they don't like us interfering in their politics...
...and the same thing goes with the Chinese. It is the power of nationalism. You want to remember this as time goes by: going into other countries and doing social engineering, you are asking for big trouble."

John Mearsheimer, Hugh White
American exceptionalism, Liberal hegemony, American bipartisan national security, American foreign policy, American domestic politics
~37:22 "You cannot have liberal hegemony in bipolarity or multi-polarity. You can only have it in unipolarity."
~11:04 "What really went wrong? The [liberal international] order contained the seeds of its own destruction. And let me go through the arguments as quickly as I can"
John Mearsheimer: "Look, the idea that the United States could go around the world violating the sovereignty of other countries, invading those countries and doing social engineering ... is a prescription for giant trouble" (almost verbatim) Who disagrees?

john mearsheimer
"United States is a very nationalistic country. Britain is a very nationalistic country": John Mearsheimer
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