Adam DiSabato, a champion wrestler at OSU told members of the Ohio House Civil Justice Committee that Jim Jordan was in tears when he called on July 4, 2018, a day after NBC News ran the story of Jordan turning a blind eye to sexual abuse of male wrestlers by the team doctor
In 2018 Jim Jordan admitted "locker room" conversations took place.

What did he mean?
Jim Jordan was an adult paid by the University with tax dollars.

This boy's family didn't spend college money for him to be away from home for the 1st time & be subjected to grown men sexually harassing him while paid adult coaches giggled about it
Hellickson, who served as head coach from 1986 to 2006, said in the video that “Certainly, all of my administrators recognized that it was an issue for me. I’m sure that I talked to all of them on numerous occasions about my discontent w the environment"
Head Coach Hellickson, @jim_Jordan's mentor, describing OSU:

“I caught people having sex in our wrestling room, in the stairwell ... the bathroom ... I caught people in masturbation ... It became a real problem because it affected their mental state"
Russ Hellickson was the Ohio State head wrestling coach at the time. He was a mentor to @Jim_Jordan

Here he is with Dennis Hastert
Before he was an assistant coach at Ohio State, Jim Jordan wrestled at University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Here is Jordan wrestling, wearing the red singlet
Jim Jordan & the OSU team

The members of the team say Jim Jordon is lying

They say he knew about the sexual abuse

Adam DiSabato told lawmakers Jordan was "crying" and "groveling" when he called, "begging me to go against my brother" and lie to coverup ... Jordan knew
“Wes pushed me to come to his room,” & offered to let him share his bed. In his statement, the young man said he awoke in the middle of the night to find Goodman’s hand “pulling down my zipper.” His pants had been unbuttoned and his zipper was down.
Just like with the young male athletes at OSU, there were powerful adults willing to cover for @jim_Jordan's employee

Tony Perkins has fought against the rights of LGBTQ Amerians for decades, but he was there to cover up the sex crimes of Wes Goodman
Tony Perkins and @Jim_Jordan both know Wes Goodman and each other. Seems like something they would have discussed
Read this:

The last time he saw Goodman was at a conservative event in 2009. Goodman was there w Jordan to urge support for the congressman's Defense of Marriage Act, to overturned a law allowing recognition of same-sex marriages. Goodman was handling the issue for Jim Jordan
"Representative Goodman acted inappropriately and consequently resigned. During his employment with our office, we heard no allegations of wrongdoing and received no accusations of misconduct. Congressman Jordan is deeply disappointed by this troubling news"
Jim Jodan and Tony Perkins have known each other for years.

In 2013, they were both part of a group who visited Israel for 9 days

Again, seems like they might have discussed Wes Goodman
Occasionally, these smug amoral men are confronted ... watch Perkins smirk grow

A good citizen and human calls in to tell Tony Perkins what he thinks of "Evangelical Christians" and their support of Trump
Who is Rep. Jim Jordan, the man who turned a blind eye to sexual abuse, tried to overturn same-sex marriage, and never passed the bar exam.

How did this former assistant wrestling coach become a loudmouth minion of Trump

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More about Jim Jordan

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More about Jim Jordan

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More about Jim Jordan

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