What 2020 Presidential contender said the following?
- "I'd fuck that in a second,"
- "I’d do that piece of meat…”
- “If women wanted to be appreciated for their brains they’d go to the library instead of to Bloomingdale’s”
- Called women: “fat broads” & “horse-faced lesbian.”
Which 2020 Presidential Candidate said this?

Re: a female judge ruling against his policies “your safety and the safety of your kids is now in the hands of some woman who does not have the expertise to do it.”
Which 2020 Presidential candidate said this?

“I know for a fact that any self-respecting woman who walks past a construction site and doesn’t get a whistle will turn around and walk past again and again until she does get one.”
Which 2020 Presidential candidate said the following?

“Do you pay a lot to make your hair be two colors? Because now it's three with the gray.'

Testified that he wouldn't call the rape allegation genuine unless there was "an unimpeachable third-party witness."
Which 2020 Presidential candidate said the following?

- "If you looked like that, I would do you in a second."

- Told female employee to “Kill it!” when she informed him she was pregnant.
Which 2020 Presidential candidate described sexual harassment lawsuits as the follow?

- “If you don't give me what I want, I'm going to make a fuss." Lawsuits
Which 2020 Presidential Candidate said the following about rape allegations?

Testified that he wouldn't call the rape allegation genuine unless there was "an unimpeachable third-party witness."

And other sexual misconduct allegations
“I don’t know how true all of it is"
Which 2020 Presidential candidate suggested the following to female employees?

- "If I were a woman, I would wear high heels."
- "What is the guy dumb and blind? What the hell is he marrying you for?”
Which Presidential candidate suggested of a highly functional computer?

“does everything, including blowjobs. I guess, that puts a lot of you girls out of business.”
Answer to All despite the Trumpian tone: Michael Bloomberg. And the next thread will be similar statements on race and ethnicity.
Similar to his acknowledgement regarding Stop & Frisk and other racially problematic positions, it just so happens Bloomberg was unable to recognize why his sexism and rape apologist takes were problematic until....

***Wait for It***

He decided to run for President.
And we shouldn't pretend for one second Trump and surrogates will not exploit these flaws to regain support of suburban white women or encourage them to stay home.
Shameless plug: For more content like this consider an add please
REFERENCES since the original reference tweet is inexplicably hidden from everyone but me the embedded includes the first of a thread of 11 sources https://twitter.com/sarah_in_ny/status/1227694691140997120?s=21
P.S. Why the F isn't the media vetting Bloomberg harder on this?

Is all that the revenue buying silence?
On issues of wealth inequality.... https://twitter.com/sarah_in_ny/status/1228438636858945536?s=20
On Russia https://twitter.com/sarah_in_ny/status/1228453230071418880?s=20
On Bloombergs racially charged governing style: https://twitter.com/sarah_in_ny/status/1229073484011180033?s=20
Bloomberg stating stop & frisk over stopped whites and understopped minorities 🤦🏼‍♀️ https://twitter.com/charlesmblow/status/1199386850735071233?s=21 https://twitter.com/CharlesMBlow/status/1199386850735071233
Bloomberg Jeopardy.... https://twitter.com/sarah_in_ny/status/1229266244831981568?s=20
You can follow @sarah_in_ny.
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