7 Pieces of advice for readers from the book "The Reading Life" by C.S. Lewis


1) Don't get caught up in the publicity of new books. New doesn't necessarily mean better.
2) The more up to date a book is, the sooner it will become dated.

3) Reread your favorite books at least once every 10 years.

4) Feel free to skip freely when you're reading a chapter that isn't providing value to you.
5) Our love for books is as diverse as our love for people. Don't be offended when someone reads a book and doesn't love it as much as you do.

6) The only thing as good as reading a book is talking about it. Have discussions, and even arguments, about what you're reading.
7) Reading is not a passive activity, it's an active hobby. While reading a book, underline key passages, jot down notes, and map what you've learned to books you've read in the past.

Hope this was helpful!
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