After more women than you’d believe if I told you. I confirm.

There are 4 basic female personalities.

4 basic conversational patterns.

4 basic versions of the game to play pre/post sex.

4 basic outcomes.

I’ve never encountered any female which doesn’t fit one of the 4.
Females value is derived solely from how they look.

In terms of life long mate a few other things matter - but in terms of ATTRACTING a man. It’s looks.


Men attract females by status. Income. Looks. Power. Stories. Game. Etc etc.

We have multiple methods.
If 100% of your value is derived from one thing and has been your entire life how interesting or different can you possibly be?

You have pretty girls. Who act one of a few ways.

And ugly girls. Who act one of a few ways.

That’s it.

There is no female quest for originality.
Original females get no more men than non original females.

Pretty girls get guys. Done.

Female originality is a push to be prettier than the rest. That’s it.

And this is why their personalities are basically always the same.

Females are remarkably generic.
I can say the exact same things word for word to 10 different girls and get the exact same replies and results.

BEFORE you start screaming I’m sexist. I can PROVE this to be true.

Women can likely say the same for lower tier men. But top tier men are always unique.
A pro athlete will have different stories from a politician or a navy seal.

A super model an actress and a pretty ballerina have basically the same stories and outlooks. It’s all the same. They’re all the same.

Past the dating stage - when it comes to life partner...
There’s only one other factor men care about as much as looks.

Will she obey me.

That’s. IT.

My father was a chess genius. My mother a dinner lady.

My mother. Who I love. Is not smart.

My dad the smartest man to have ever lived bar none. I mean that genuinely.
Why did a genius man choose a woman who is stupid in comparison?

“She could cook and clean and I knew she’d stay home and raise you boys right”

That’s it. That’s what he needed. Off spring and basic maintenance from a subservient female. He made us brilliant. She made dinner.
Females. Drop the “I need to be smart or rich or interesting” you really don’t.

Be beautiful.

Be subservient to a man WHO IS WORTH IT. Never to a dork.

You’ll end married up on a millionaires boat with a beautiful family and no stress in the world.
Females have no personality because they don’t need one.

And the smartest females of all REALLY genuinely have NO personality besides the reflection of her mans.

Those are the smart women. Who do as their told.

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