Fun thread about Federalist co-founder Sean Davis:

A while back, I happened upon an old Politico article about Trump retweeting a white supremacist. It included an embedded tweet from Davis criticizing Trump. Given that Davis is now one of Trump's fiercest defenders. 1/
. . . I found that interesting. But I also noticed the tweet had been deleted. When I checked his timeline, I discovered that Davis apparently deletes all his tweets more than a few months old. So I looked for the tweet on Internet archive sites. And that turned up some... /2
. . . really interesting stuff. During the 2016 GOP primary, Davis criticized Trump as fiercely as he now defends him. In fact, he made many of the same criticisms of Trump he now angrily attacks others for making.

As you'll see, this isn't merely a case of supporting... /3
. . . a losing primary candidate, then pivoting to support your party's nominee.

Davis criticized Trump for amplifying white supremacists, grifting from veterans, endorsing violence against his critics, even his attacks on the media (!) And yet within a year... /4
. . . Davis was aggressively attacking Trump critics for making precisely the same criticisms. Pretty abrupt turnaround! In about 9 months, Davis appears not only to have made peace with Trump's racism, grift, lying, endorsement of violence, and so on, he now attacks... /5
. . . those who dislike Trump for the same reasons he once did. And of course, it isn't as if Trump dialed any of this back after he won.

(The Federalist itself underwent a similar transformation. They haven't deleted those old articles, but they also aren't easy to find.) /6
Davis' tweet archive is here:*/

And more here: 

Fun addendum: Davis is currently attacking Romney, suggesting that his vote to remove Trump is insincere, inconsistent with previous praise of Trump and desire to be Trump's Sec. State, and so on.

The rest of this thread will be screenshots of Davis' old tweets. Enjoy! /8
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