Nah, you know what? So many people have been targeted recently and I've seen enough. So let me share a few reminders for everyone so we can all work to make ARMY Twitter a safer place, especially because this is a time where a lot of new fans are coming in.
1. Before you believe any account about something, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH FIRST.

Not everything on the internet is true, and a lot of people will just believe anything an account says—even more so when that post has many likes. Go find all the facts before jumping to conclusions.
2. If you don't understand somebody's point of view, ask them to clarify.

A lot of people will strangely attack somebody before they even understand the perspective of the person who wrote the post. Take your time to understand the OP before responding.
3. If you disagree with someone, do it RESPECTFULLY.

If you got all the facts and you still don't agree, then say it respectfully. Some of y'all get way too happy cussing people out and sending them threats on the internet. That is literally cyberbullying.
4. Stop mass-cancelling over simple mistakes.

Everyone in the fandom will fck up at some point in time. Why? Because we're HUMAN. This idea that one simple and correctable mistake is worth fully cancelling someone is so dumb and it benefits nobody.
5. If someone says something wrong and they genuinely apologize, move tf on.

If somebody has acknowledged and grown from their mistake, stop harassing them. And stop holding that mistake over their head the next time they mess up, that's not cool either.
6. Sometimes, if you see a post that needs to be deleted, it would be better to DM the person directly (if possible).

Putting someone on blast can sometimes give them unwanted exposure which can attract some not-so-nice people. This point applies to big accounts the most.
And lastly 7. If you want to respond to a tweet that you disagree with but you can sense you're very emotional, try and refrain from tweeting.

Emotional outbursts to a tweet can sometimes have detrimental consequences. It can also enable a lot of people to do the same.
All in all, I'm sick of seeing all these accounts go private, deactivate, or even get susp3nded. It's so fcking sick that some people think that bullying someone is the right thing to do. It's unproductive and nothing gets solved.
Remember that these people you attack are HUMANS, and whether you like it or not, words can hurt. Don't dish out what you can't take. You have no right to bully someone off their account but then get upset when someone does it to you. It's total hipocrisy and it's sick.
This thread wasn't for defending any account in particular, but I've just been seeing a trend and I don't like it at all. This should be a safe space for ARMYs but some people are becoming more aggressive and it's hurting others. That's unacceptable.
I understand right now the fandom is huge and not everyone agrees on the same thing, but let's never use that an excuse to intentionally harm someone mentally. It's just disgusting.

Please, think before you tweet.

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