Contagion of awakening not disease.

A thread.
We accept the reality of the world with which we're presented.

It's as simple as that.

We grow and as we grow our circumstances and personas will change, our belief systems will change, but rarely do we think to scrutinize the structural underpinnings of our very circumstances.
The truth is so often the opposite of what we are told that we can longer turn our heads around far enough to see it.

The problem is not that people don’t know; it’s that they don’t know they don’t know.

As in Plato’s cave we are chained to a false-reality unable to turn away.
To subvert is to unsettle.

We wake each day with a pre-programmed assumption that our memories are intact and real.

If we encounter something that conflicts with that reality, our brains will reject the anomaly, blinding us to what we cannot comprehend.
Apocalypse means to uncover or reveal.

A sudden revelation of truth.

The veil, lifted.

The spell, broken.

The Awakening.

“Ring of Light”

A corona is an aura of plasma that surrounds the Sun and other stars.
China coronavirus:

“Wuhan crematoriums burning bodies 24/7 working around the clock to cope with the extra workload during the coronavirus outbreak.”

- - -

The bodies cannot be buried, they must be burned.

How horrifically, traumatically grim.

What insult to injury.

Active diversion.

“Relatively Obscure”

Patient Zero doesn’t exist.

This story is pre-explaining why this person is seemingly unknown and untraceable outside of this story.

You will begin to see this form of deception everywhere.

The Crown Shape Of This Virus Gives Its Name:


The Crown Encircles The Viral Capside A Protein Structure Protecting The Viral Nucleic Acid.
“Coronavirus circa 2003”
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