The History of Smallpox & Polio is Fake News: Exposing the Truth Behind This Multi-Decade Facade

A Tweet Series By The Epigenetic Whisperer

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
- Oz

If I only had a brain
- The scarecrow

Tell a lie loud enough & long enough & people will believe it.

Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.
George Orwell

The 300 yr vax narrative is a Potemkin village made of 2 dimensional plywood. Thereks nothing there

As a 7 yr old boy, when my Dad brought me 2 see Star Wars in 1977, my entire 🌎 changed dramatically. I still consider it the most impactful movie of all time (The Matrix a close 2nd). The rebel forces were facing extinction by the🌎destroying Death Star.

The rebel forces found a critical weakness however, which Luke Skywalker fully exploited when he launched “a 3 point swish” laser fire through a thermal exhaust port which destroyed that evil Death Star. This series is long overdue. The entire modern vax paradigm is built..

Upon the entirely false narrative of vax’s saving the 🌎 by eradicating Small Pox (SP)/Polio. George Santayana said “History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there.” Folks, I’m about 2 thoroughly deconstruct the SP/Polio..

Narrative so strap yourselves in. I’ve got my Luke Skywalker vibe on, I’ve shut off the guidance system & I’m feeling the force. The Small Pox/Polio Death Star is toast.

I have interacted w/very smart, seasoned ppl who completely accept these narratives which should...

Demonstrate that ideas can be like infections: spread rapidly & can become chronic. Dogma is a powerful doctrine indeed.

Let’s travel back to 1796 to the birth of vax’s when Edward Jenner, an English Dr, took fluid from a cowpox blister & scratched it into the skin of...

James Phipps, an 8 yr old boy based on a rumor that he heard milkmaids who did the same we’re protected from small pox. The boy was later exposed to small pox, didn’t contract it, there4 the “small pox” vax was considered a success & thus birthed the 300 yr vax movement.

Think about it, the entire vax paradigm was built on the back of a sample size of 1 sans any scientific method yet Dr.Jenner is hailed in the history books as some sort of genius. He had his detractors criticize him mercilessly from the get go. See pic attachment on excerpt...

From Dr Suzanne Humphries’ book, Dissolving Illusions. Glenn Dettman, an Australian pathologist, lambasts the smallpox narrative w/thi gem: “It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we ever vanquished smallpox with vaccines, when only 10% of the population was ever vaccinated."

Thinking u can bypass the nasolaryngeal pathway, the gut (our 2nd 🧠, the liver/kidney detox channels & inject the virus directly intramuscularly along w/dozens of cyto/neurotoxic ingredients 2 achieve immunity is a fanciful dream. It’s based on 100 yr old science which...

Thinks we have 2 Immune systems (Innate[I]/Adaptive[A]) instead of 7: I, Interferon, A in gut & body & the neuroimmune system. To add insult 2 injury, it is the smallpox vax which was responsible 4 far more infection cases than was acquired due 2 the wild-type virus.

In 1937, William Howard Hay, M.D. mercilessly condemned the small pox vax. In the Phillipines, where 10 million were triply vaxxed over prior 6 yrs, registered 47,368💀s from smallpox whereas in 1919, England/Wales had become the least vaxxed countries had only 28 💀s...

In a London hospital small pox vax cases rose from 40% to 95% according to Dr. Munk’s statement to the hospital commission (3rd report of Royal Comm, Q., 9090).

Dr. Walter R. Hardwen, MD (1896) “Since the passing of the (compulsory vaccination) Act in 1853 we had no less..

Than 3 distinct epidemics.”

M. Beddow Bayly, MRCS/LRCP “Compare these well vaxxed countries w/Australia, the least vaxxed country in the 🌎 [EW: no longer true]. In the 134 years, not one-fifth of the 🧒s born had been vaxxed. Yet only 3 🧒s under 5 have 💀.”

I could give another hundred similar stories. U get the picture. But didn’t ppl die of infectious disease in droves in America at the turn of the 20th century? Wasn’t it the vax’s that stopped it? No. Living conditions @ the turn of the 20th century were horrid.

Crowded living conditions, lack of plumbing, living in filth, severe malnutrition, lack of clean H2O, rotted meat/milk due 2 lack of food processing standards. However, over 4 decades 💀s from Tuberculosis, Pneumonia & Influenza (the 3 biggest killers by far) dropped >80%

B4 any vax’s were introduced/widespread. Vax’s real risks r ignored/not acknowledged/not known by the majority & yet they r afforded all the success 2 the drop in mortality/morbidity. It was actually due 2 plumbing, sanitation/food processing laws, nutritional..

Standards, environmental laws, sequestration practices & antibiotics that were the reasons 4 the significant👇in mortality/morbidity. What the public fails 2 grasp is that the terrain of the individual is often far more important than the virulence potential of the virus.

When the virus meets a sick/malnourished host, that host is going 2 b very🤒& can 💀. When it meets a well nourished host, the virus doesn’t have a chance. It’s why 3rd 🌎 countries experience so many measles💀s. Pls don’t tell me we don’t experience💀because of the MMR vax.

Like all vax’s, they fail often, don’t provide lifelong immunity & hundreds of thousands in this country never got the vax yet ~ 3 💀s in the last 20 yrs. Why is that? Because we have sanitation, an abundance of nutrition, etc. It’s important 2 note we still experience...

multiple nutritional deficiencies but it’s not @ the scale of 3rd 🌎 countries.

I think I’ve beat the small pox vax heroics false narrative enough. On 2 Polio!

The disease label “Polio” is associated w/an Enterovirus. This means the virus enters the gut (enteric).

There r countless enteroviruses that infect tens of millions every yr & result in no symptoms or mild 1s like a cold. That being said, thousands r also hospitalized w/more serious complications. Did theses viruses change/morph from 1 host 2 the next? Although viruses do...

Morph it’s not @ the individual level. The reason ppl succumb again is due 2 weakened immune systems/nutritional deficiencies/existing toxicity as my Integral Health Model elucidates. Pharmaceuticals/vaccines can never correct 4 these etiological root factors.

So why would an Enterovirus that’s been w/us 4 millions of yrs all of a sudden cause serious problems @ a) the turn of the 20th century? b) In the 1950s? c) Today? Yes, today. I’ll get 2 that.

It’s the terrain of the individual plus other etiological factors.

Toxins & infections go together like peanut butter & jelly. When one is heavy metal toxic (which is practically every1 these days) I will show u some1 who has 1 or more chronic infections. Coupled w/the fact that 92% of Americans have 1 or more micronutrient deficiencies...

Then u have a perfect storm of disease creating abundance. Add in chronic exposures 2 man-made EMFs & it’s no wonder why chronic disease is exploding. The Disease Of Civilzation in a nutshell.

What I will demonstrate is that what’s attributed to the Polio virus is either...

Only marginally indicated (it’s the presence of acute toxicities that matter far more) or the virus wasn’t even present. Countless cases in the 20th century were slapped w/the Polio label weren’t even Polio. FDR? Not Polio; try Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

In fact, prior 2...

1958 when the Salk Vax started circulating, the following diseases hid behind the Polio label:

Transverse myelitis, viral/aseptic meningitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), chronic fatigue syndrome, spinal meningitis, post-polio syndrome, acute flaccid paralysis (AFP),

Enteroviral encephalopathy, traumatic neuritis, & Reye’s syndrome. Of course once the vax is released over time these “Polio” cases were reclassified as the aforementioned diseases. Wait, it gets even better. B4 the Salk Vax was released, Polio was diagnosed if paralysis..

Was experienced 4 24 hrs. After Salk, it was 60 days! Just like magic, tens of thousands of cases of Polio were disappeared, the Salk Vax hailed a success (even though it causes more Polio; more on that later), & Jonas Salk awarded the Nobel. Imagine getting a Nobel 4 a...

Vial full of cyto/neurotoxins that cause☝️Polio cases now as compared 2 the wild-type virus. It not only doesn’t work but causes a long list of iatrogenic disease. Ain’t it great? 🙄

So what causes “Polio” if the Enterovirus is only a bit player?

In the 20th century it was “refined sugar, white flour, alcohol, tobacco, tonsillectomies, vax’s, antibiotics, DDT, & arsenic”. Dr. Humphries, Dissolving Illusions (DI).

These “had become $ golden calves that led humanity blindly down a spiral of disease & misery.” DI

I would add malnutrition 2 that list, genetic SNPs, unresolved trauma (accounting 4 Spirit/Mind/Body domain). Although DDT has been outlawed 4 decades it still persists in the environment & now I would add tens of thousands more chemicals, pesticides like glyphosate,

Heavy metals, neonicotinoids, man made EMFs, & the Polio vax itself.

Looking specifically @ the turn of the 20th century, arsenic which was already in widespread use in industrial cases, began being applied 2 fruits/vegetables as an insecticide. Like magic, Polio cases☝️

Once arsenic was no longer applied to produce, Polio cases plummeted. Then in the 1950s, Monsanto’s DDT was being sprayed on everything: lawns, parks, kids @ the pool, etc. There was wallpaper touting how good/safe it was. Polio cases exploded in the summer months when...

Sugar eating increased (ie ice cream). Remember? Polio virus is enteric, add DDT & sugar 2 promote gut dysbiosis & wala! Instant Polio by the thousands. Break out the Salk vaccine, the fear campaign of kids w/iron lungs, reclassify Polio cases & wala! Ppl by the tens...

Of thousands get innoculated, the beginnings of Big Pharma r born, profits soar, the vax is hailed as a miracle, the public zeitgeist is getting concretized around the “vax saves lives, are safe/effective” narrative & the powers that be win & every1 else loses but r...

None the wiser. I’ve never seen a more dangerous dogma so willingly be lapped up by the public that is a) extremely harmful 2 them & b) so beneficial 4 the powerful few. I couldn’t write a movie script w/more drama/suspense.

Did iron lungs go away? Yeah now they’re...

Replaced w/small ventilators. It doesn’t have the same fear-based marketing push of a 🧒 hooked up 2 an iron lung however. Nowadays u just need 2 rely on the media 2 provide sensationalized fear-based coverage of the measles, Ebola, SARS, & now coronavirus. Big Pharma..

Takes in billions on vax’s w/no liability (protected by 86 Reagan-signed Vax Act👉ratified in a 2011 Supreme Court case that vax’ r unavoidably unsafe). Government orgs like the WHO, the FDA & the CDC have built their careers on vaxxing & will protect it @ all costs.

They all receive half or more of their funding from Big Pharma anyway (an industry tney’re supposed 2 be regulating) where the top officials regularly get multi-million dollar pay packages upon joining Big Pharma in cushy roles which then turn around & influence those...

Same agencies 2 approve more toxic Pharma/Vax products & finally the media continues 2 promote fear-based coverage of outbreaks cuz a) it sells & b) they’re serving their lord & master’s Big Pharma which donates up to 70% of their ad revenues all the while the general

Public receives 16 hours of Pharma ad programming (more time than they spend with their Dr) 2 encourage them 2 ask their Dr if this toxic poison is right 4 them. Ain’t it great? 🙄

Last point on Polio, I said that the Polio vax is causing more Polio (like all vax’s) than...

The wild-type virus. Where’s my proof? Here👉 Mutant Strains of #Polio #Vaccine Now Cause More Paralysis Than Wild Polio

2017: for the 1st time, the # of 🧒sparalyzed by mutant strains of the polio vax>than the # of 🧒s paralyzed by polio itself.

In summary, the Smallpox/Polio Vax narrative is the most successful fake narrative of all time where the public simply accepts w/o engaging any critical thinking skills. Dogma is so powerful that ppl will inject vials full of cyto/neurotoxins believing it is making them...

Healthy instead of very ill & actually killing them in thousands of cases. My purpose on this planet 4 the short time I’m here is to act as an Overton Window shifter so ppl start facing the unadulterated truth free from the clutches of their dogma. Wrt this thread,

My purpose has been served.

Beauty is truth's smile when she beholds her own face in a perfect mirror.

- Rabindranath Tagore

With ❤️,

The Epigenetic Whisperer

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