OKAY here is the definitive ranking of all the Tracy Beaker kids, adults and whatever the hell Cam was:
34. Carly Beaker

The mum from hell. Makes Rose West look like Mother Teresa. A deeply evil soul that is most certainly not a Hollywood movie star no matter what shite she tried to make us believe with that weird medieval film she was doing in The Movie Of Me
33. Michael

Put simply, a sociopath. Michael is The Dumping Ground’s answer to Damian from The Omen. Does nothing but torment every child there. Only appears in one season but there’s no way this monster got fostered so can only assume Saint Duke had him executed.
32. Cam

Make your bloody mind up woman! Fosters and abandons Tracy at the drop of a hat, changes her mind with the weather. Maybe it’s her shit haircut that’s cropped too tightly on her head that clouds her judgement. Beaker was right - her shit car looks like a hairdryer
31. Louise

A manipulative, evil, smiling assassin who thinks she’s IT cause she’s blonde and likes girly things and got fostered. Causes nothing but shite between Justine and Tracy and is fully to blame for any beef between them. Not to be trusted under any circumstances.
30. Sid

I.. I have never seen this man in my life?

Honestly who is this? ..

He apparently ran the Dumping Ground for a season. I must have blocked it from my memory. He could be walking down the street and I wouldn’t know a thing. A ghost in the system!
29. Milly

Notable for the episode Scary Milly, where every kid in the DG thinks she’s to blame for every bad occurrence and she’s basically the victim of a Salem Witch Trial. She was innocent but never really lived it down and honestly still scares me to this day
28. Alice

Naive child who thinks everyone’s her best mate when actually she just gets on everyone’s tits with her overly positive demeanour. Claims that she can see “auras” so is therefore the dumping ground Oda Mae Brown. Tracy, you in danger girl!
27. Wolfie

Really rich apparently but dressed like stig of the dump. Someone give him a bloody bath.
26. Rebecca

Radiated too much Tory energy for my liking. Tried to give it big with her snooty attitude but no one cared. Wants the bandana game that Amber and Rio Wellard have
25. Ryan and Zac

Season 1’s resident little shits. Lumping them together cause they never did anything on their own. Might as well have been Siamese.

ALDI Lol and Bouncer
24. Ben

Betrayed everyone by pretending he lived on the streets but was actually rich and had loads of expensive clobber and a PlayStation. Lying snake. Thinks he’s the next Avicii for some unknown reason. Will never EVER get booked for Warehouse Project
23. Peter

Just cause you iconically shout SHUT UP ABOUT MY NAN once doesn’t make up for a season of having no teeth, pissing the bed and pissing off Tracy Beaker with your whiny antics, Peter
22. Hayley

We all thought this timid shrew took a vow of silence until she EXPLODED!!!!! A dark horse of fury - hell hath no fury like Hayley scorned. Also she literally said “life’s a bitch!” in The Movie Of Me??? Our potty mouthed angel!
21. Marco

An elusive chanteuse. A master of disguise. Queen of reinvention.

The ultimate enigma and an artist ahead of his time. We will not appreciate his wonder until it is too late
20. Chantal Wellard

The dumping ground’s Dark Lady. A formidable young woman shrouded in darkness. Do not get on the wrong side of this satanic icon
19. Amber

A bad bitch to the bone. Original rock chick. Avril Lavigne stole her look. Invented bandanas. Dunno if I’ve made this up but I swear this hell’s angel ran off with a group of bikers??? Harley Davidson reincarnated
18. Shelley

Queen of encouraging people to get obese and let animals go mistreated. A sharp tongued legend but a cold soul

This icy waif thought she was gonna jump in Jenny’s grave and get the same respect, but Shelley was NO Jenny
17. Layla

Too pure for this world. Gorgeous human and in all seriousness it was amazing that we had someone with a disability as a lead in a kids show growing up. Great representation.

“The stance of Layla” became an iconic statement in the year 2020
16. Adele

Still waiting on her debut album. This girl was born to be a pop star! The Dumping Ground’s answer to Rihanna. Iconic when she moved out into a gross bedsit and Tracy got jealous and made her own bedsit in the shed.

Everyone looked up to our grown up glamour gal
15. Dolly

Lures innocents in with her cute face and rainbow accessories but is the human embodiment of CHAOS

A tornado of destruction but a bonafide icon

Singlehandedly and successfully destroyed Nathan’s relationship with his girlfriend cause she was jealous.
14. Lol

A cheeky and charming icon. Him and Bouncer tore a hole through the dumping ground with their pranks and antics. Not as lovable as his brother but a TB legend and a friend we know and love
13. Jackie

Constantly in a tracksuit because she loved running and was basically the Dumping Ground’s answer to Paula Radcliffe

Cared for her granddad and broke all of our hearts.

Tracy’s best mate and one third of the Tracy/Crash/Jackie trinity that we all love
12. Tracy Beaker

The enemy of parents up and down the country. The 21st Century Annie. Queen of inventing fantasies in her head.

Her frizzy hair was the most iconic hairstyle since “the Rachel”. But no one asked for it at the hairdressers cause it was gross.

Bog off!
11. Crash

All of our first crushes. We all fancied Crash as kids.

Heart of gold with anger management issues, CORRRRR we all loved a bad boy didn’t we ladies!!!!!

A great friend to our Trace and just a good egg that was often misunderstood due to his RAGE
10. Maxy

Ran rings around the entire Dumping Ground. He RAN the show. Never forget the iconic episode when Jenny took him shoe shopping and he locked himself in the van until she got the ones he wanted. So cheeky, so charming and had the dumping ground power of a mafia boss
9. Roxy Wellard

A criminal mastermind. A supervillain. A feminist icon.

The other children shiver in fear when she enters a room. Her older brother and sister now in submission to her.

Her hair was a weapon. Contrary to popular belief is not Amber from Love Island
8. Rio Wellard

Maroon 5 owe him their entire career and Alex Turner has spent his WHOLE LIFE trying to look like RIOOOO WELLARD
7. Elaine (the Pain)

Yes she was a nuisance but she was OUR nuisance! Iconic in every season, a constant source of malice and pest. She is singlehandedly responsible for Dua Lipa’s colour block eyeshadow resurgence and we all saw her tits in that indie film that time!
6. Justine Littlewood

Did nothing wrong. Not the bully she was made out to be. Full of spice and attitude. The real villain was Louise. Justine took it all in her stride, even her Brexit dad who made her wear that DISGUSTING yellow bridesmaid dress. Justice for Justine!
5. Bouncer

Bouncer is like... Duke: the Next Generation. Heart of gold, long-standing icon, dumping ground essential and aspiring chef who has Gordon Ramsey quaking. King of getting a part time job in a bakery and putting Hellmans out of business with his homemade mayo.
4. Nathan

The adults in this show were perfect.

We’ll start with Nathan. Immature and Shelley hated him but the kids adored him and you know what just shag my worthless arse Nathan I fancy the fuck out of ya - always have, always will!!!!
3. Mike

Beloved by all the kids and a care worker from the gods. Peaceful and caring and a darling from start to finish - he is STILL in Tracy beaker now in whatever iteration it’s currently in! He’s put the hours in

Someone on the wiki has put an MBE after his name - deserved
2. Jenny

Jenny should be prime minister. A firm but fair leader, respected and loved by the kids and still loved and looked out for them even with the constant HELL PRANKS they played on her. Shelley tried but could never compete with our Jenny. The goddess of the Dumping Ground
1. Duke

When I think of Duke, nothing in the world feels dark or scary anymore. He is a warm hug on a cold day. What a GREAT guy! A chef extraordinaire who kept hundreds of abandoned children fed and watered, no one else could take the top spot. Funny, lovable and cherished 💖
Thanks for reading. Felt like I was qualified and had to do this after this happened to me last week LMAO https://twitter.com/harrisonjbrock/status/1223011308079108097?s=21 https://twitter.com/harrisonjbrock/status/1223011308079108097
ALSO I’m a freelance writer and content creator and I would love the opportunity to do this on a bigger scale. If you enjoyed/laughed etc and you know someone who could help my DM’s are open
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