War Castles Overview - Part 7
Victory is Ours

Transcribed from the War Castles Overview video.

See Part 1 here: https://twitter.com/theSacredRebel/status/1223855231240409089
After having run this gamut (all over the world), and Russell came back to the United States, the Five Star Trust guys grabbed him up. Bush and the boys grabbed him and literally beat the living shit out of this guy in an effort to get him to surrender that flag.
These are the guys who have swept this all under the rug and have proceeded to move forward in their attempt to surrender the United States back over to Great Britain, finish constructing their new world order, go into the Middle East, steal the oil,...
... and they're heading back down to Venezuela to get Chavez out so they can get his banking system closed down. Once they have it all under wraps, then they will present the mark of the beast to everyone.
However, Russell-Jay:Gould did not surrender the flag and did not surrender his position. They took him into court and they literally beat the hell out of this guy on a couple of different occasions, but he won. And the Navy was behind him and supporting him all the way.
We don't know what happened to that contingency, we can't speculate but we do have a couple of ideas.
However, after 12 years of these guys not wanting to play ball and just do things correctly and move forward with this entire new global government system,...
... Russell-Jay:Gould seeing that the Benjamin Franklin post office had now come out of bankruptcy in 1999. But nobody remembered it or saw it. So when he came back into Washington DC and filed the flag in there and legged in as the Postmaster General for the United States...
... as the new Postmaster General of the world, he rewrote a new US Constitution between his government and ours and its the same version of the one we had with Great Britain. Only this one doesn't have the one million laws attached to it that finally were created by...
the Congress and the Senate in relation to this system because we know there's always been two governments operating here. The Kind of Great Britain's and ours. That's why you get the two-party system, the Democratic and the Republican.
So he rewrote the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It's still standing and the Declaration of Independence still standing. And because they didn't want to move forward with it and wanted to keep going forward with this new world order surrender effort,...
on the date December 21, 2012, end of the Mayan calendar, he legs back in at the Philadelphia post office in Pennsylvania - the Benjamin Franklin postal court (or "post office") and reopened the entire US government back up FOR THE PEOPLE with a new US Constitution,...
the same Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and its all been quantized into this mathematical grammatical fact.

Russell-Jay:Gould is the Original Architect of the :QUANTUM-GLOBAL-BANKING-SYSTEM
He saved the United States from surrender and take over. He saved the planet from the NWO effort to conquer us and from the global dictator we all know as Lucifer...
and has stopped them from being able to present the mark of the beast to all of us and attach us to this banking system as slaves. It's all been disqualified. It's all been shut down. It's over. The victory is ours. This is our Lady of Victory.
It's just being kept from the people of the United States and the people of the world and they're not telling you the story in this manner because they don't want you to know about this system.
And they say every time it pops up, they are going to ridicule the shit out of it in every manner possible because they said the American people are too stupid to believe let alone understand any of this information.
What he has done is purified the Whore of Babylon and prepared her as the Bride of Christ. And now he's got one foot in the sea, which is the Admiralty Maritime jurisdiction, which was held by the King of Great Britain in Washington DC and he has the...
Civil jurisdiction law of the land. And the Admiralty footing and the Terra Firma footing. And he's bridging the gap rapturing you out of the Land of the Dead where you were once considered to be missing or presumed dead or lost at sea with the birth certificate system,...
ships you in through the Washington DC postal location, out through the Philadelphia Pennsylvania postal location civil jurisdiction law of the land where the blood testifies to the life and you are brought back into the land of the living and SAVED.
Your soul is saved, your country is saved, you are saved. This is our Lady of Victory.

End of Part 7.
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