Ok guys. Earlier this week, I promised a thread on Deep POV, as it's a common opportunity in my #revpit #10queries pages. I've been thinking about the best way to frame the discussion, and hope you all get something out of it #writingcommunity (1.
Firstly, what is Deep POV?

It's the process of bringing the reader inside the MC's head until their thoughts become your thoughts, and you are living/breathing their life #10queries #revpit When is it important, and why? (2.
If you're up to date on current publishing trends, you'll have already seen Deep POV in action. It's essential in those opening pages to create reader/character connection. Without it, even if you've mastered show, and internal dialogue/voice is present... #revpit #10queries (3
...modern readers will come to expect it. Without it, your MC will appear flat. So, it's essential in those opening pages...where else? Anywhere your MC confronts their wound/lie/trauma. Deep POV is directly tied to these scenes #revpit #10queries (4
If you don't already have The Emotional Wound Thesaurus by @AngelaAckerman and @beccapuglisi now's the time to make the investment. With it, you'll find those wounds/lies that your MC must overcome on their journey. Once these are identified, you're ready to dig deep #revpit (5
Deep POV is the process of exposing your MC's wound; the painful, internal back and forth as they come increasingly close to confronting the lie they tell themselves--that they are unworthy of ex, deserve y, etc--by connecting the dots between #revpit #10queries (6
...things happening around them (caused through MC agency, and/or external big world stakes) and their own emotional responses. Why does this high stakes sitch remind them of the time Mom lost them in the grocery store? Dig deep and connect the two #revpit #10queries (7
This is where we get into writing what you know. STOP TAKING THINGS LITERALLY. Writing what you know is NOT not writing fantasy because you've never ridden a damn dragon! That's NOT what it means #revpit #10queries (8.
Writing what you know is the process of choosing wounds/traumas/lies that you share, either fully or partially, with your MC so you can bring your own emotional reactions to the scene/act/manuscript. When you do this, you create authenticity, and will be ... #revpit #10queries (9
...better able to dig deep. You become your MC's therapist, using their voice to help them solve/talk through the things you've already lived. What are the things you wished you knew 10 years ago? Help your MC have the breakthrough you wished you had #revpit #10queries (10
Which leads me to consistency. Deep POV is essential during those big scenes, and your opening. But that doesn't mean forgetting about it in quiet moments, or not having aha moments when interacting with other characters #revpit #10queries (11
If, like me, your anxiety brain chatters constantly, or u psycho-analyze every situation, you have lots of natural internal dialogue on a daily. Use that. Your MC has the same kinds of musings/internalizations, so hone their voice and let a rip #revpit #10queries (12
This isn't about show vs tell, it's about the human experience. About grounding fiction in reality so readers are left with that what-if. What if this world WAS real...that character was real AF. I AM that character. That's the reaction you're looking for. #revpit #10queries (13
To recap:
1. Identify the wound/lie/trauma
2. Expose it somehow in the opening
3. Continue to force MC to confront it, internally talk through it
4. Ground internal dialogue with emotion
5. Allow MC to experience breakthroughs
6. Think therapy

#revpit #10queries (14
That's been my talk on Deep POV. If anyone has book recs for great use of Deep POV, drop them below so everyone can read and learn. My 2019 picks:

We Hunt The Flame by @hafsahfaizal


House of Salt and Sorrows by @Penchant4Words

Thanks for reading #revpit #10queries
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