Who are LGB Alliance?

Are they an LGB rights organisation, or are they an anti-trans organisation?

Can they be both?

I did some analysis of their followers to find out.

First off, let's compare accounts of similar sizes.

Comparing the followers of Alliance LGB to two gender critical (anti-trans) accounts, see the overlap. Many shared followers.

Compare with two LGBT+ orgs, Equality Network and LGBT Consortium. No overlap. Few shared followers.
Now let's look at other LGBT+ orgs.

Comparing to Stonewall, Gay Civil Rights, Stonewall Scotland, LGBT Youth Scotland.

Again, very little overlap.

Followers of LGB Alliance don't seem to follow other LGBT rights organisations.
Let's look at LGBT+ media.

Comparing Pink News, BuzzFeed LGBT, Queerty, Gay Star News, Attitude magazine and Diva Magazine.

Followers of LGB Alliance don't seem too interested in gay media.

Note the overlap between the LGBT+ media accounts, little or none with LGB Alliance.
Let's look at Pride organisations.

Birmingham Pride, Pride in Liverpool, Manchester Pride, Brighton Pride, UK Black Pride, Bristol Pride, Pride in London.

I threw in LGBT+ History Month for fun too.

Sadly, LGB Alliance followers don't seem to like Pride, or LGBT History.
What about health, wellbeing and welfare?

GMFA, National AIDS Trust.
LGBT Friend, Gallop, the LGBT+ domestic violence charity.

What about non LGBT centered orgs? Woman's Aid and Refuge for example.

LGB Alliance don't tend to follow any of these accounts.
So, we know what they don't follow.

Who do they follow?

Well they really like Graham Linehan. 53% follow him.

Many follow Julie Bindel too.

Both prominent figures known for their anti-trans views.

You can almost barely see LGB Alliance here, such is the overlap.
Who else do they follow?

Well, we already covered Transgender Trend and Fair Play For Women, what about other "gender critical" or arguably "anti-trans" accounts?

Safe Schools, We Are Fair Cop, Woman's Place, Kathleen Stock, Ray Blanchard, Maya Forster.

Many shared followers.
Finally, who do they say they are?

From analysis of their bios, how do LGB Alliance followers describe themselves?

These word clouds show the most common words first.

From the "two word" analysis:

Adult human / human female / gender critical/ radical feminist.

Are top 4.
I was raised by two fierce Scottish women, my gran & my mum, who would be appalled if I didn't describe myself as a feminist.

I marched with her for women's rights, to save the refuges in Falkirk and raise funds for Women's Aid.

Like many others, my feminism is trans inclusive.
Re trans inclusivity:
I follow the lead of Engender, Scottish Women's Aid, Rape Crisis Scotland, Zero Tolerance, Equate Scotland, Close the Gap and Women 50/50, who released a joint statement re women's equality and the GRA:

And the 70 LGBT+ orgs that recently cosigned this letter in support of trans equality. https://twitter.com/LGBTIScotland/status/1221360479219613696?s=19
*LGB Alliance UPDATE*

After some useful feedback I decided to expand my research into the followers of LGB Alliance.

Interesting findings, so please share far and wide.

As LGB Alliance claim to offer an alternative to "pro-trans" Stonewall, I used them as comparator.

First off, LGBT+ homeless charity AKT & youth homeless charity Centerpoint.

LGB Alliance followers don't tend to follow either account.
Stonewall have far more shared followers.
Let's look at adoption and fostering, important to many LGBT+ people.

I looked at New Family Social, an LGBT+ adoption and fostering network & CorumBAAF A&F academy.

LGB Alliance followers don't tend to follow either.
Stonewall shows significant overlap, many shared followers.
What about human rights or bullying?

I looked at Amnesty UK & Bullying UK.

I also looked at LGBT focused Amnesty UK Rainbow Net. & Diversity Role Models, who work in schools.

LGB alliance followers tend not to follow these accounts

Stonewall show significant follower overlap.
What about children's charities?

LGB Alliance like to claim they care about children's safeguarding and welfare.

Let's look at Barnardo's & NSPCC.

LGB Alliance followers don't tend to follow either of the two largest children's charities.

Stonewall shows a large overlap.
I looked at domestic violence orgs above.

What about sexual violence orgs?

LGB Alliance follower do not tend to follow Rape Crisis Scotland or Rape Crisis England & Wales.

Stonewall shows far more overlap and shared followers.
Looking specifically at End Violence Against Women.

A small number of LGB Alliance followers follow EVAW, about 5%. (The same number that follow Stonewall)

The overlap with Stonewall & EVAW is far larger.

Followers of EVAW are over 5 times more likely to follow Stonewall.
LGB Alliance often claim they speak for LGB women, they claim trans rights threaten women's rights.

Let's consider After Ellen, the media site for gay and bi women.

Some LGB Alliance followers do follow, but AE Followers are nearly 4 1/2 times more likely to follow Stonewall.
Let's look at Fawcett Society, the gender equality & women's rights charity.

Relatively few LGB Alliance followers follow Fawcett Society (7%)

Fawcett Society followers are 7.5 times more likely to follow Stonewall.

Compare; 53% of LGB Alliance followers follow Graham Linehan.
LGB Alliance followers seem uninterested in following LGBT+ rights, LGBT youth, LGB media, Pride events, health and wellbeing, LGBT+ & youth homeless, adoption and fostering, human rights, anti-bullying, children's charities, domestic or sexual violence & women's orgs.
The idea LGB Alliance followers care about LGB rights is hard to verify.

Are they really an LGB rights organisation?

Read the data collected here & come to your own conclusions.

I'll leave you with the words of one of their own followers, which may help illuminate. Goodnight.
You can follow @DavidPaisley.
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