I'm sure this isn't all of them, but I'm piecing my Frankenstein collection together as I go through my books, this is what I've found: 28 copies of the book, 2 graphic novels, 2 pop-ups, and nine books ABOUT Frankenstein & Mary Shelley
Some favorite editions:
This 1932 edition illustrated by Nino Carbe (I don't think this copy is from 1932. It's old, but doesn't look quite that old. No date though.)
1974 edition of the original 1818 text
The pennyroyal edition, illustrated by Barry Moser
Penguin classics deluxe edition, cover designed by Daniel Clowes
The Lynd Ward Illustrated edition, originally published in 1934 (this copy is definitely not that old)
1967 scholastic edition, a first printing and a later printing which is slightly taller for reasons
Everyman paperback edition, originally published in 1921, though this copy of from 1960
Pop-up adaptation by Sam Ita
Manga adaptation Junji Ito!!!
Last for now, but my #1 favorite, the Dark Horse edition illustrated by Bernie wrightson
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