Jungkook finds Yoongi again when they're older, at the grocery store of all places. He seems fae, among the flourescent lights, a figure that shouldn't exist on the same plane as produce and yet inexplicably does.
The last time Jungkook saw him, Yoongi was surrounded by fire.

It was cold outside and Yoongi was unconscious, the sweep of his neck outlined by soot and Jungkook's fingerprints where he'd dragged him to safety. His phone was a weight in his hand, Seokjin's number still open.
Jungkook nearly drops the box of cookies he'd been inspecting, mouth parted with surprise. Yoongi is none the wiser of course, holding two onions and looking between them with a tiny purse to his mouth, an itty bitty scrunch in his nose.
He's nearly unrecognizable, hair a soft, warm brown, delicate earrings barely brushing against a black pea coat. But that ridiculous pout and his god-awful posture is so familiar Jungkook feels his eyes get suspiciously wet and blinks quickly, looking down to hide his face.
Technically, there's nothing pressing rushing him to get home. But Jungkook had come here after the gym, just needing a few things (and maybe a treat, the cookies in his hand teased), so he's sweaty and kind of gross and- by the time he looks up, Yoongi has disappeared.
Maybe he imagined him. His therapist says it's unlikely, instead asks his opinion on how it felt.

Thankful, he was surprised to say. He'd expected to be angry, to feel transported back to the fear. But they'd both just been kids.

Yoongi looked happy, he was thankful.
So Jungkook writes it off as one of those weird chance occurrences, cradles the relief of it close in his heart, and goes on with his life.
Of course, that's the exact moment he crashes into Yoongi on the street.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where- hy- Yoongi-ssi!"

Yoongi looked hilariously frozen in Jungkook's hands, even tinier than he remembered. Mentally, Jungkook expects him to jerk away and mumble some bullshit because that's what the Yoongi before would've done.
This Yoongi didn't do that.

"Kook?" He murmured, voice deep and surprised, sleepy eyes widening. "Fuck, is that you? Have you gotten bigger?" His hands felt encompassing and warm where they gently cupped Jungkook's elbows, unravelling them carefully.
"Excuse me." A patron said behind them, annoyance barely hidden in their voice. Jungkook jumped.

"Sorry, sorry." He said, moving out of the doorway of the restaurant. It was a little nippy outside, just barely spring enough to say goodbye to winter.
Yoongi followed as he stepped out, instead of just waving and leaving. Something warm woke up just underneath his breastbone, rustling it's feathers.

"I haven't gotten bigger, maybe you've just shrunk." Jungkook teased, eyes crinkling with an easy smile.
Yoongi broke into a laugh, enough to squint his eyes and expose his gums.

"Don't be rude to your hyung, brat."

Jungkook's heart squeezed.

"It's not rude if I'm just stating a fact." He answered, wondering how his voice could be so steady when he was so chock full of emotion.
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