1. This is a non-technical thread entitled “There Will Be FUD.” As always, do your own research, this is not financial advice, I’m just a man on the internet with a vision.
2. Chainlink is going to do a lot of things that would be major red flags for any other project. In fact, Chainlink’s history is already full of these supposed red flags, which have kept all but the ultra-discerning from seeing the light through the fog.
3. Some of these supposed red flags include: the low-key, almost secretive ICO, the lack of marketing and infrequency of team communication, the size of the team and the location of Chainlink’s official HQ, and the token distribution – but there are many more.
4. Many otherwise savvy crypto investors see these things and run for the hills, and with 99% of projects in this space, they’re right to do so, because at least 99% of projects in this space are either outright scams or poorly conceived vaporware with no future.
5. It’s not that Chainlink believers are unaware of these supposed red flags – we see them as clearly as anyone. But to us, these things essentially amount to a thick veil, and those who pass beyond the veil see much more.
6. In my opinion, you need to know about these red flags and you should be able to justify them yourself – because when the bullets are flying, no other frog will be able to help you. This is a supportive and fun community, yes...
7. But if you’re going to stand tall with your bag intact in a few years, you need to know the criticisms yourself, without leaning on others, and you need to be able to explain, at least at a basic level, why they don’t apply to Chainlink.
8. Because it’s going to get much, much worse.
9. You see, it’s extremely likely that Sergey is going to gift hundreds of millions of $LINK tokens to rich and powerful players in a number of sectors: finance, technology, insurance, etc. You think the 700k token movements were bad? That will seem like a walk in the park.
10. Tokens are going to move in very large numbers. I don’t know when, but sometime in the next couple years. The tokens may even be passed through Binance or another exchange to obscure their final destination.
11. Twitter will be buzzing with large accounts warning of an impending exit scam dump – and many retail investors will indeed dump their tokens, causing price to drop, apparently confirming the supposed exit scam for many.
12. Mockery at those delusional $LINK Marines will be everywhere. If you aren’t prepared, you’ll sell, and that’s fine. Everyone has his own objective in this market and his own threshold for pain.
13. When these tokens move, many buyers who never did their research will panic. And I won’t lie, it will be stressful for the deeper $LINK community as well. But we know what these tokens are earmarked for. The tokens HAVE to move eventually, we just don’t know when.
14. Legacy players will either get free $LINK tokens as an incentive to bring the network to life, or Sergey may sell those tokens to them OTC for a nominal amount. Either way, “the powers that be” will get a shortcut. If you don’t like that, if it doesn’t seem fair, get out now.
15. There is a serious “chicken or the egg” problem when it comes to doing what Chainlink is attempting to do. This could probably be a thread in itself, but know this: the goal is a thriving, decentralized oracle network. It cannot build itself and it cannot start organically.
16. It can exist and sustain itself in a decentralized manner, but it cannot come into existence that way. It’s not possible. Many will point their fingers and shout, “Centralized!” That’s fine.
17. If it isn’t done this way, it will never happen. Never. You can trade tokens back and forth forever, but blockchain will never have any significant purpose beyond that.
18. These legacy players will profit from USING the Chainlink network MUCH MORE than they ever would by dumping $LINK tokens on retail buyers while they laugh and light cigars with hundred-dollar bills. But these players need tokens to participate. The token is essential.
19. So what, does Sergey tell a multi-billion-dollar bank, “We’d love for you to use our wonderful network, it’ll save you all this money and make you more efficient, but go spend six months slowly accumulating the token on Coinbase. We are decentralized, after all. Good luck.”
20. Sergey wants this project to actually succeed, and in order for that to happen, it MUST be done in an unorthodox and even unpopular way. A lot of people in this space are more poetic than practical. Anyone can write a white paper full of buzzwords and empty jargon.
21. But Chainlink is actually trying to make this vision happen, and very few people can see this vision, even most in this space. For it to work, Chainlink must go against the grain, they must ruffle feathers, suffer accusations, and endure the emotions and fears of investors.
22. The foundation must be laid. It will be laid. It’s going to be done using methods that many short-sighted or uninitiated people aren’t going to like.
23. And it’s going to get much, much worse before people have a collective “a-ha!” moment and realize what it was all about from the start...
24. ...that it had to be done in this unusual manner, that in order for something incredible to be born, it had to be done contrary to all the wisdom of the crowd, against everyone’s better judgment, while the masses cried foul.
25. Bitcoin got us to first base, Ethereum got us to second, Chainlink gets us to third… and then Chainlink will steal home.

“That Sergey really was a genius, wasn’t he?”

Yes, yes he was.

But first, there will be FUD.
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