Been studying Beer all day, this generation 1-2-3 Etc is dope with the reuseable yeast method.
Basically can keep improving the batches with yeast from the prior batch.
So eventually trub will be collected and reused to keep consistent flavor and beer profiles. Technically just cloning the beer batches. Pitching it with a familiar yeast.
Also learning what “Hop Burn” is it’s sorta traditional in west coast ipa’s that super bitterness that’s sometimes overwhelming. Saw some make a 30 min NEIPA with simcoe hops letting the wart chill naturally. I wanna try this.
Open fermentation 🧐
I guess this is done to Hefeweizen’s to bring out the banana flavor/smell
Erlenmyer âŹ‡ïž
Aight so said Irish ☘ stout me @GaiterMan @DoeyVanGogh made i moved to a secondary fermentation pale
Took about 10-15 min to move 5 gallons
Dying falling yeast at the bottom or “yeast cake” I’m gonna save to make a reusable yeast for the next time we make this stout. You can also bake baked goods with this and it will have some Irish stout flavor.
Also was able to save 22oz of a NEIPA we botched. I fixed it and got it to carbonate
Getting separation already, “wart” on top “yeast cake” on the bottom
V.1 Hefeweizen
Gonna adjust this a little bit for her some stuff i didn’t like about it.

But what i did love
I wanna sharpen a few things on V.2 and really make V.2 the version we build on. Gaiter also mentioned we gotta tighten up the equal carbonation.
Kevin taught me a lot over the summer. Dude is a wizard man between him and drew i have a lot to study and learn.
This is the beer we made in the video clip ( i did little work lol) but man it came out wonderful he brought it over to Lexi’s Nye party. Schwartzbier super hard to make but dude is a PRO.
Mash to boil step
Brooklyn Beer makes a good schwartzbier if your interested in trying it. It’s the signature winter lager. I never knew it was a schwartzbier Until today. Process of learning 😂
Water prep for tomorrow, gonna get the chlorine out and ph right
Hefeweizen V.2 “Her Hefe”
Yeast Knowledge:
Apple Mango đŸŽđŸ„­ hard cider , be back in a few days once we’ve got yeast action
We got action on the cider
Studying notes on open fermentation methods/steps
Stout By yours truly, myself @GaiterMan x @DoeyVanGogh. #EastSideCraftCo
Head retention could be better, we gonna get that fixed when we keg shit, bottles is cool for now but man kegging is gonna be big for us.
Cheers đŸ»
Lost less than a gallon, i can’t use what’s at the bottom too much dead yeast.
Made a grapefruit ipa over the quarantine, i took my time with it. Got all numbers right
She finished today, best tasting beer I’ve made so far.. this the one man. I wanted more haze but me @GaiterMan and @DoeyVanGogh gonna make that one next hazy #EastSideCraftCo
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