introducing zico. introducing woo jiho
since their debut 9 years ago block b have been through it all, despite their fun, carefree image all 7 members have been through a crazy ride of high and lows. although it hasn’t been easy for anyone i think it’s fair to say that zico, block b’s leader, has been through the most
zico is constantly dealing with misunderstandings, prejudice, malicious hate and outright lies. mistakes from years ago are continuously brought up just as an excuse to hate on him because he’s successful but even so, he has always worked hard to improve himself
zico is aware of his past mistakes, he doesn’t hide from them, everytime fans call him out or try to educate him on a sensitive subject he listens and is quick to improve himself, for example: he reuploaded tough cookie with new lyrics because the original lyrics were problematic
zico’s “anti” is literally written from the POV of a zico anti which proves he’s able to view himself through the eyes of those that mercilessly hate on him, his lyrics in “genius” explain he’s just a normal dude (or idiot) and his lyrics in “human” speak for themselves.......
“my haters would be disappointed, if you watch my interviews and documentaries, you’ll see i’m far from a gangster, woo jiho’s real behavior, the delusions of netizens, zico has two personalities, so what...”
this video perfectly sums up the way people often misjudge zico but how the moment you give him a chance and listen to his words, you can see who woo jiho really is, “because of my fierce image my music is often interpreted negatively”
everyone who personally knows or has worked with zico has nothing but admiration and praise for him. he has always treated those around him with kindness & it’s evident when you see how his friends talk about him. sure he looks like a bully sometimes lmao but zico is a sweetheart
zico has a fierce rapper image, no matter what stage he’s on he destroys it, but just like everyone there’s a softer side to him. woo jiho is still human, he’s still someone filled with worries and concerns and who has trouble switching his brain off just to fall asleep
zico works so hard on himself and his own growth but he’s also always shown huge amounts of respect and kindness towards others, he often talks about artists he would like to work and collab with or produce for, there are many people in the industry he admires
zico is always eager to congratulate and hype up artists he likes and admires when he sees them succeed ☺️☺️ he sets a very good example to his fans to always be kind and to never bring down others to try to build yourself up, ☺️☺️☺️ i think many people could learn from him
zico is incredible with his fans too, everything he does is for them and he makes sure to remind us as often as he can. last year he held a fanmeet and explained that he’s come to learn that his fans are the only ones truly on his side. (please read this thread):
as a fan of zico myself, i feel really lucky to have a leader so appreciative and thankful, he often thanks us and tells us goodnight, and speaks to us through sns, it might not seem important to antis but there’s a real, genuine relationship between zico and his fans
just incase you don’t believe me: last year zico celebrated his birthday with fans, taking them on a movie date and then spoke with them afterwards. his birthday happened during chuseok too, and yet still he wanted to spend the holiday and his birthday with his fans
here is zico meeting a fan who has a dream to become a famous rapper just like him, zico assured her she can do it and told her to meet him on stage one day, 💕✨
zico has always shown appreciation towards fans and their gifts for him, just 3 examples out of hundreds: the fortune cookies filled with messages for him he posted at 2am and he wears fan made gifts constantly; often proudly showing them off on his insta story and on stage
like his lyrics in Extreme: “I only spend money on gifts for friends or wages for my employees...” zico is really great at giving gifts too, he often buys his friends expensive presents because he wants to be Santa Claus but like, with more sofas and Gucci
when he worked with wanna one members on “wanna one go x-con” zico took the boys in a limousine ride and bought them a brand new sofa for their dorm, telling them “I really do hope you guys will be able to rest comfortably.”
when zico learnt that one of the victims in the Sewol ferry disaster was a block b fan he went to the funeral to pay respect and ever since then he’s made sure to honor the victims, the yellow ribbon features on his albums, in-ears, his merch and on his body
“tough cookie” and “well done” both have a run time of 4 mins and 16 secs to commemorate the date and many fans believe his recent “being left” mv is about a mother dealing with the loss of her child due to the diaster
as well as a sewol ferry yellow ribbon tattoo zico has a bee (representing block b fans) and the date of block b’s first win tattooed on his body. he also has many religious tattoos since he was raised Roman Catholic
onto things I’d rather not bring up but need to be made clear: zico didn’t force his ex to run to him, he didn’t deny the relationship, he was there for her when she was going through a tough time, he asked for everyones support and then later wrote lyrics about the harassment
in regards to the golden phone: zico was never investigated because he was never involved. his name was dragged into it by antis even though he’s not been in contact with jjy for years, the claims he had anything to do with the videos are completely baseless and untrue
when zico spoke about the phone on Radio Star he said he’d scroll through the contacts “starting from letter A” because there were many famous people in there, if he knew of the videos why would he mention the phone on TV knowing it would later come back to bite him on the ass?
zico has been through enough hate and controversies now; he knows people will twist his words, if he DID have something to do with it he would have kept quiet like the actual men in the GC but instead he spoke about it on TV, because to him, it was just a phone with some contacts
because of antis hating and spreading lies it’s difficult for zico to open up to others, how do you know who to trust when there are so many people quick to believe in things that arent true simply because it gives them an excuse to hate on anyone that isn’t their fave
no matter what he will always have block b and his fans (btw he gave us the name “common” lmao can you believe it sigh thanks zico) and we will always try to prove exactly why we think the world of zico, because he really deserves to be known as the good boy he is
bbcommon knows that zico is just a sweetheart that works too hard, but everyday we watch him deal with hate and lies and it isn’t fair, no one wants that for their fave, especially when it’s so undeserved and so flat out false
ok im going to be honest real quick: years ago when i first became a fan of block b i didn’t really understand why zico was the most popular, but since then i’ve learnt more about him and watched him grow, and i absolutely 100% totally understand it now, he’s something special
so, if you don’t like zico, that’s fine, but please stop spreading lies about him, please stop the hate and the death threats, please stop believing everything bad you read about him, please give him a chance, please LEAVE HIM ALONE, he just wants to eat ice cream
also just a reminder: zico is still a member of block b, he is still the leader and block b is, and will always be, 7✨
“what you tryna say dove? i’ve never seen a video like that. swear to God.”
on the day as I’m posting this zico has 216 PAKs, is number 1 with most hourly PAKS, has 51 melon roofhits, 50 genie roofhits, 1mil melon/genie ULs and now..... support from the reporter who exposed jjy’s gc. zico is not only the king... he is also best boy ♥
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