I am calling for a global economic boycott!

Please RT and spread this message far and wide!

It is time for us to stand united against the oppression from which we suffer.

We must speak to those in power through the only language that they truly understand: money.

What does an economic boycott look like?

A lot like minimalism.

It means we only buy the bare essentials.

No more debt-driven materialistic consumption.

No more feeding the same beast that robs us blind every single day.

We deserve so much more than what we're given.

By abstaining from consumption we send a powerful message to corporations (who see lower profits) and the government (who sees lower tax receipts).

We have much, much more power than most realize.

But that power can only be wielded if we act in a coordinated fashion.

For far too long we've been systematically disenfranchised.

Our rightful income and wealth held back by those at the top.

They call it trickle down economics.

I call it the rich urinating on the working.

Families struggle to make ends meet while the elite take what's ours.
The situation we are confronting is one that's been building for decades.

We've stood by while the fruits of our labor are squandered by those who need the capital the least.

That time must come to an end.

And it must come to an end now.

We must send a powerful message!

We make society possible.

Each and every one of us.

We are the force behind this economy.

Therefore we wield the power to grind it to a halt.

And in doing so we can renegotiate the terms in which society distributes income and wealth.

Otherwise the 1% will keep taking..

Consumption drives 2/3rds of the economy.

So I ask today that you consider eschewing that next purchase.

Instead consider downsizing.

Paying down debt.

Giving to the poor.

Helping your struggling neighbor or friend.

And only buying the bare minimum that is necessary.

Believe in the power of collective action.

This is how societies change.

This is how we take back control.

This is how we win.

But it can't happen if we don't act together--and we need to start doing so immediately.

So please help spread the word!

This is our time now.

You can follow @vegix.
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