Modern schooling is oppressive.

We take human beings, and we lock then up against their will - for most of the day, most days, for ~14 years of their life. 1/
And whilst locked up, we make them do tasks from start to finish against their will - monitoring and micromanaging them every step of the way.

Even their life outside this imprisonment is tightly constrained, with tasks assigned and punitive measures imposed on non-compliance.2/
What's more, the human beings aren't just locked up, coerced, and monitored - they're frequently subject to assault, harassment, intimidation, peer pressured into norms devised by those with literally child's brains, and so on whilst inside. 3/
Prison is likely too inhumane even for most criminals. How much worse, then, is this for the innocent? (Of course modern schooling isn't nearly as bad as prison, but it's bad in largely the same respects.) 4/
To top this all off:

Modern schooling has a number of stated objectives. Some of these aren't even laudable (so oppression is being used for the service of bad ends). And when it comes to those which are laudable - 5/
modern schooling is grossly inefficient and ineffective at achieving those ends.

The mass factory farming of human beings, designed and ordered from above by bureaucrats and politicians, and with few competitive pressures is surely not anything close to the 6/
quickest or cheapest way to impart knowledge and skills to human beings, nor to identify and transmit the most or most worthwhile knowledge and skills.

We can surely do a lot better than this oppression. 7/
It's interesting that we don't even recognise the systematic injustice we inflict on children.

I've deliberately avoided using the word "children" here, referring to them as "human beings" instead. I think we often fail to recognise how children are also human beings 8/
we fail to extend our circle of moral concern to include them in many respects.

To finish off, here's another thread I wrote on modern schooling: 9/9
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