2) What is being inferred here is that carbon dioxide (and the entire economic system that "produces" it) are as big of a threat to humanity as the Nazis were. CO2 is literally Hitler.
3) It goes on to say that because of the need for "speed and efficiency", the War Measures Act allowed the federal government to "suspend civil liberties".
4) In what way could our civil liberties be suspended?
- Central resource management
- Forced taxation
- Re-education
- Production and distribution by Crown Corporations
- Globalism
5) "Human expansion into protected lands must be minimized". This means restricted. This is a map of the areas in the US that will be off limits under the proposed Wildlands Project out of Agenda 21. We're already seeing land use redesignations in Alberta.
6) Taxing the "wealthy" in order to pay for the Crown Corporations is the plan, apparently. This is theft by another name. We already have "carbon taxes" in many parts of the world and Canada has had them in some places for over a decade already. Everyone pays this tax.
7) Not only are children already being "educated" about our global climate emergency through UNESCO and Hollywood, adults will need to be re-educated, too.
8) Crown Corporations (the State) being in charge of the production and distribution of resources is a key tenant of authoritarianism; be it Socialism, Communism, or Fascism.
9) This will not be left up to individual countries to facilitate and enact. This will be implemented and enforced on a global scale.
10) So who is the enemy we're mobilizing against? According to this article, it's the oil companies. They are responsible for the droughts and fires in Australia, the hurricanes in the Gulf, and every other instance of bad weather, worldwide.
11) But wait, that can't be right. Canadian oil behemoth, Suncor, is investing heavily in wind and solar. Here's another article by the National Observer that entirely contradicts what the author says in the article under review.
12) Here's another article that directly and specifically contradicts what this National Observer article says about Exxon.
13) For more on the oil industry and its involvement in all of this, I HIGHLY recommend watching these two excellent documentaries by James Corbett. "How Big Oil Conquered The World" and "Why Big Oil Conquered The World" explain this in great detail.
14) Here's 'How'...
15) Here's 'Why'...
16) According to the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England, the global climate apocalypse is threatening our financial systems.
17) Not to worry, our über-Socialist United Nations Security General, Antonio Guterres, has appointed former Bank of Canada Governor & current Bank of England Governor, Mark Carney, as the UN Envoy for Climate Change.
18) I didn't realize so many Canadians were so deathly afraid of the breakdown of social structures and the threat to public safety resulting from so much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Apparently, if we simply implement socialist measures, all of this can be curtailed.
19) Now here's where it gets interesting! I started to look into the National Observer to find out why it's promoting Socialism in Canada. It turns out that there is an important connection. It was started in 2015 by Linda Solomon Wood.
20) Linda is the sister of Joel Solomon; a very well connected player in BC political and business spheres. He appears to have a lot of influence in a few areas. Let's take a closer look.
21) Joel Solomon is an entrepreneur, a venture capitalists, a political campaign funder, a member of an advisory taskforce for the G8, and a 24 year director of Tides Foundation USA as well as a co-founder of Tides Canada. http://joelsolomon.org/bio 
23) This is why I find it so concerning that Tides has been directly influencing our Federal Government as well as many third party groups such as Lead Now, which helps left-wing political parties like the Liberals.
24) Joel has personally helped the campaigns of Jimmy Carter, several Nashville Mayors, Vancouver Mayor (and business partner) Gregor Robertson, the Green Party's Andrew Weaver, and is close with others, such as David Eby.
25) In 2016, Linda Solomon petitioned the House of Commons to pass federal legislation on Benefit Corporations (B-Corps). This would allow individuals, companies, and foundations to donate tax free to fund companies like the National Observer. https://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/CHPC/meeting-42/evidence
26) Joel has also been advocating for the legislation of B-Corps in Canada, more particularly in BC.
27) What does it mean to have "B-Corp" status? It's a classification which lets other companies, investors, employees, and other stakeholders know that a business is of a certain caliber.
28) This all sounds so familiar. Where have we hear this type of wording before?
29) Beyond the seemingly innocent description, B-Corp is a way to ensure that businesses, from local startups to multinational corporations, adhere to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals set out in their Agenda 2030 program.
30) In addition to promoting the global warming narrative, its aim is to transform our global economic model.
31) B-Lab is the group responsible for certifying companies as B-Corps. This page from the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors gives a good explanation. Madeleine Albright has some nice things to say about B-Lab.
32) B-Lab has many partners. These are just a few.
33) A quick look at a few will give us a good idea as to who else promotes these efforts.
34) There seems to be a never-ending parade of NGO's promoting Socialism and the "Green Agenda" that spearheads it. Here's another new one that was recently started by John Kerry.
35) Once one is able to recognize the direction we're being taken in, one cannot turn around without bumping into it. It is absolutely everywhere!!
36) We will be seeing more and more articles like this one. It's more important than ever to look beyond the headlines and dig for more information. One never knows what they'll find!
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