1/ I spent nearly my entire adult life in the military, spending some of my happiest and most fulfilling days wearing the cloth of our nation.

But when we leave and enter “the real world,” it can be a struggle for many of us.

Myself included.
2/ Demons that manifested themselves in the service come back to haunt us, and sometimes we don’t know where to turn.

Drugs and alcohol are a big part of that.

I can think of more than a few friends, shipmates, and teammates in a rough spot right now.

I bet you can, too.
3/ Miramar Recovery’s three beachside homes are safe, welcoming, and idyllic refuges in Corona Del Mar and Laguna Beach, two of Southern California’s most desirable locations.

We love it here. You would, too.
4/ When I was a Navy EOD Officer, my friends and I were in the business of saving lives.

Now we have the chance to protect and save our own.

I can’t tell you enough great things about my staff.

These folks go to bat for you, making sure you get well and stay well.
5/ This week, two of our patients (a married couple) came up to me and told me point-blank that our therapist quite literally saved their lives.

She. Saved. Their. Lives.

We get stories like this every week.
You know you’re doing something good when you walk into work and you find this up on the whiteboard.
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