Sergio Aguero - Dominating the Premier League [A thread]
Overall record:
Played: 255
Goals: 177
Assists: 46

GPG: 0.69
G/a pg: 0.87
Mins per goal: 106
Mins per g/a: 84

-223 goal contributions in 255 games
-4 Pl titles
Minutes per goal per season:
2011/12: 113
2012/13: 162
2013/14 : 91
2014/15: 98
2015/16: 99
2016/17: 120
2017/18: 94
2018/19: 118
2019/20: 77
Minutes per g/a per season:
2011/12: 84
2012/13: 139
2013/14: 67
2014/15: 75
2015/16: 91
2016/17: 105
2017/18: 73
2018/19: 86
2019/20: 62
-Best minutes per goal ratio in Pl history
-Most Pl hat tricks(12)
-Joint most goals in a single game(5)
-Highest scoring overseas player in Pl history
-Most Pl player of the month awards (6) - tied with Kane and Gerrard
More records:
-Only player along with Henry to score 20+ goals in 5 consecutive seasons

-He has scored 9 hat tricks at the Etihad - the most by any player at a single ground
-He has the most goals since his debut in 2011 - 41 more than any other player

-He also has the most goal contributions since his debut - 67 more than any other player

- He has scored against 32 of the 33 teams he has faced with Bolton the only side he hasn't scored against
- In 6 of his 8 full seasons he has scored 20+ goals. He has also registered 20+ goal contributions in 7 of his 8 full seasons

-He has 44 goals in 69 games v the ' big 5' - The ultimate big game player

- 4 of his 12 hat tricks have been vs the ' big 5' with 1 also v Leicester
-He has 155 goal contributions in his last 168 Pl matches averaging a g/a every 82 minutes.

-Even at 31 he's averaging a goal every 77 minutes and a g/a every 62 minutes.
We have rarely seen numbers this good in the Pl. He will 100% go down as one of the all time greats🇦🇷👑
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