As long ago as 2008, the award-winning journalist Nick Davies published a shocking exposé of systemic racism at the Daily Mail, in his book Flat Earth News: /3
Nick Davies recounted speaking to multiple journalists who'd worked at the Mail, saying: "I have never come across a reporter from the Daily Mail who did not have some similar story, of black people being excluded from the paper because of their colour" /4
In his book, award-winning journalist Nick Davies was explicit in describing the Daily Mail’s “element of pure naked racism”. So what has been happening with the UK media since Flat Earth News was published – and how much has changed? /6
Rich Peppiatt subsequently testified about "a top down pressure to unearth stories which fitted within a certain narrative (immigrants are taking over, Muslims are a threat to security)", which led to "casual and systemic distortions" at the Daily Star /8
Rich Peppiatt also testified that “It seemed to me that reporters’ employment contracts were structured specifically to limit the possibility of any ethical protest”, raising concerns that journalists faced strong disincentives to challenge wrong-doing: /9
The same enquiry also aired evidence of the culture of fear which can deter UK charities from challenging media racism: /10
In 2012, the UK’s official inquiry into the media concluded that "discriminatory, sensational or unbalanced reporting in relation to ethnic minorities" was "a feature of journalistic practice in parts of the press, rather than an aberration": /11
Internationally, the behaviour of the UK press has also raised significant concern. In 2015, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights issued a strongly-worded statement after the Sun published an article comparing African migrants to "cockroaches": /12
The UN's statement condemned what it called "decades of sustained and unrestrained anti-foreigner abuse, misinformation and distortion" in the UK press - & called for public debate to be based on fact, "not fiction, exaggeration or blatant xenophobia" /13
In 2016, detailed research by the former Times journalist Liz Gerard ( @gameoldgirl) showed that anti-migrant front pages in the UK press had actually been steadily increasing year-on-year: /15
Liz Gerard's research has found that in 2016 alone, the Daily Mail and Daily Express ran *1,768* pages with stories about migrants – almost all of them negative: /16
In 2016, the surge in anti-migrant front pages was accompanied by a surge in hate crime on UK streets - with experts from the University of Leicester warning that these attacks had been "‘fuelled and legitimised by politicians and by the media": /17
Research by the UN High Commission for Refugees found that the Daily Mail – along with The Sun – showed a hostility towards migrants that was “unique” among the newspapers they sampled across five European countries: /20
Amid the controversy over UK press coverage of Meghan Markle - it's worth remembering that serious concerns have also been raised about #UKmediaracism towards other public figures. This is not an isolated case: /26
Raheem Sterling's criticisms of the UK press have been backed by other players, with England star Danny Rose commenting that "Raheem was only saying what we all say in the dressing room": /28
Another reminder of how widespread and systematic the culture of racism has been within the UK media: /29
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