“going vegan is great but it doesn’t really do much to help the planet”
- veganism cuts your individual carbon footprint by 50-73%
- meat eaters are responsible for 2 1/2x as many dietary GHGE per day vs vegans
- livestock produces more GHGE than all transportation combined
“going vegan is great but yall don’t care about exploited humans”
- by default vegans boycott majority of nestle products
- 1/2 of the world’s edible harvests are fed to livestock, not people
- 40% of Central American forests (home to indigenous) have been destroyed for livestock
“going vegan is great but it’s a first world luxury!”
- majority of stables in developing countries are vegan
- rice, soybeans, wheat, corn, etc are all vegan and are statistically cheaper than animal products
- veganism adopted dishes from non American cultures
“going vegan is great but it’s a white thing!”
- a list of 100 black vegans by aph ko: http://www.blackvegansrock.com/blog/2016/5/18/we-have-featured-100-black-vegans
- lauren Ornelas founder of the food empowerment project
- cesear chavez was vegan/vegetarian for the last 25 years of his life
- of course, Angela Davis!!
“going vegan is great but what about vitamin B12?”
- fortified cereals contain B12
- find cheap B12 supplements
- most plant milks are fortified w/ B12
- animals are fed B12 supplements
- as long as you get some B12, deficiency symptoms usually take 5+ years to develop in adults
“going vegan is great but what about exploited farm workers?”
- slaughterhouse workers are usually PoC/immigrants
- meatpacking is labeled one of the most dangerous jobs in the world
- 65% of workers are injured on the job
- workers have HIGH rates of PTSD from slaughtering 24/7
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