For the new year, I’m bringing back Space Cat Saturday! Every saturday, I’ll post a cat from retro sci-fi art. Here’s an imposing one from Frank Kelly Freas. #caturday
Let's dip way back into the 50s for the OG Space Cat, Ruthven Todd's four-book series, published 1952-58 #Caturday
Happy Space Cat Saturday! Here’s one of the best cats in retro sci-fi art: Jeffrey Catherine Jones’ 1968 cover art for Andre Norton’s 'The Zero Stone'
Space Cat Saturday: Here's Michael Whelan's 1977 cover for 'Diadem from the Stars,' by Jo Clayton. #Caturday
If you like one Space Cat per Saturday, you'll love several hundred of them at once. From Bruce Pennington, used as a 1971 cover to 'Decision at Doona,' by Anne McCaffrey #Caturday
Happy Space Cat Saturday! Here's the 1973 cover to Andre Norton's 'Breed to Come.' Artist is uncredited. (This image is from #Caturday
Attack of Space Cat Saturday! From 'The Best Of Fritz Leiber,' 1974. Artist is uncredited but is probably Tony Roberts. #Caturday
Uncredited art of Space Cat in respose #Caturday #SpaceCatSaturday
For Space Cat Saturday, here's Rod Ruth's cover art and interior illustrations for 'Science Fiction Tales,' an anthology featuring a story about how cats are secretly aliens. Via #Caturday
Space Cat Saturday returns with Johnny Bruck's cover art for the 1106th installment in the long-running German sci-fi series Perry Rhodan. Yes, the cat aliens have little tail holes in their chairs.
Happy Space Cat Saturday! Here's one from @DannyFlynnArt, used as a 1986 cover to 'The Cat Who Walks Through Walls,' by Robert A. Heinlein
Space cat finds space fish in this 50s-era interior art for a sci-fi magazine.

The artist isn't credited... I'd say it might be Virgil Finlay, but the signature at the bottom doesn't look like his. #Caturday
Space #Caturday returns with a space cat-carrier in this artwork from Bob Eggleton, used for Andre Norton's 'Search for the Star Stones'
Well, it happened! I missed my first Saturday since starting this thread at the beginning of the year. Here's a Space Cat Sunday instead: John Schoenherr's 1969 cover art for 'The Green Millennium,' by Fritz Leiber
Happy Space Cat Saturday! Here’s a passel of space cats from David Willson’s 1986 cover art to 'Tuf Voyaging,' by George R. R. Martin. #Caturday
Frank Frazetta joins the Space Cat Saturday ranks with this 1963 cover to Edgar Rice Burroughs' 'Lost on Venus' #Caturday
For Space Cat Saturday: 1979 wraparound cover art by Mike Hinge for 'Masters of Everon' by Gordon R. Dickson. #Caturday
Dipping back into the 1950s for this week's Space Cat Saturday: Here's Mel Hunter's interior art for 'The Game of Rat and Dragon,' by Cordwainer Smith, from the Oct. 1955 issue of 'Galaxy Science Fiction.'

You can read it online here!
Space Cat Saturday! This alien ghost cat is by Karel Thole, from one of the artist's many covers for the Italian sci-fi magazine 'Urania' #Caturday
Andre Norton’s 'The Zero Stone' makes a return to the Space Cat Saturday thread with this 1977 cover by John Raynes. Yes, the cat here looks like a lemur -- it was a cat, but ate a seed that mutated it into an ancient telepathic alien named Eet. Happens to the best of us.
Another Saturday, another Space Cat: Here's Bob Eggleton's 1996 cover to 'A Darker Geometry,' by Gregory Benford and Mark O. Martin #Caturday
A bold Space Cat Saturday here: Wayne Barlowe's 1983 cover for Samuel R. Delany's 'Empire Star' features a purple six-legged cat with horns. #Caturday
Happy Space Cat Saturday! It’s technically a cat-like alien on this uncredited 1980 cover to Dangerous Games, by Marta Randall, but I’ll let it slide. Thanks to @SFRuminations for the scan. #Caturday
Space Cat has gotten the team together for this uncredited 1962 cover to Andre Norton's 'Catseye.'

(For those counting, this is the fifth Norton cover so far. The woman loved cats.) #Caturday
This week: The 1981 cover to Andre Norton’s 'Breed to Come.' Enigmatic, fashionable — the Mona Lisa of space cats.

It's uncredited, but might be by Wayne Barlowe. #Caturday
Hey, we’re officially halfway through the year! Want to see what I've learned about Space Cats in the process of making this thread? Check out the new free issue of my newsletter: 
Plus, quick correction: That cranky ghost cheetah from like eight tweets ago is by Vicente Segrelles, not Karel Thole
Some 1979 Michael Whelan cat pirates for Space Cat Saturday #Caturday
A very in-your-face Space Cat Saturday this time, from noted cat lover Frank Kelly Freas. It's his 1974 paperback cover to Louis Trimble's 'The Bodelan Way.' #Caturday
Here's Justin Todd’s upsetting 1977 cover art for Nightmare Blue, by Gardner Dozois & George Alec Effinger #Caturday
A scene from Edgar Rice Burroughs' 'Beyond the Farthest Star,' illustrated by Joe Jusko for a 1994 trading card set. Just don't play with lasers like this with your cat. #Caturday
Spot the Space Cat in Wojtek Siudmak’s cover art for the 1979 French edition of Clifford D. Simak’s 'Mastodonia.' #Caturday
Happy Space Cat Saturday! Here's a skeptical cat from Frank Kelly Freas
Today’s Space Cat Saturday sees the return of Bruce Pennington, who painted this omniously hovering demigod for the 1973 cover to 'The Alien Way,' by Gordon R. Dickson
Uncredited Space Cat Saturday: This 1976 cover art to 'The Green Millennium,' by Fritz Leiber. #Caturday
Space Cat Saturday from Yasuhiko Yoshikasu #Caturday
Happy Space Cat, uh, Sunday. This lil guy is mad that I forgot to post him on a Saturday. From Chris Moore's 1984 cover to 'The Winds of Altair' by Ben Bova
It’s a three-eyed Space Cat Saturday with Wayne Barlowe’s 1982 cover to ‘The Telzey Toy and Other Stories,’ by James H. Schmitz
Space Cat Saturday: Bob Eggleton's 2000 cover to 'Telzey Amberdon,' by James H. Schmitz #Caturday
This week’s Space Cat Saturday entry: Michael Whelan’s 1983 cover art for ‘The Adventures of Little Fuzzy,’ by Benson Parker and H. Beam Piper. I know these little guys aren’t cats, but I don’t want them to feel left out. #Caturday
I really missed my chance to drop this baby for the Halloween Space Cat Saturday, huh?
Although this Frank Kelly Freas would have also been great for Halloween. It's the 1970 cover to the 'New Worlds of Fantasy #2' anthology
For Space Cat Saturday, here's Jim Burns' odd 1985 cover to 'The Conglomeroid Cocktail Party,' by Robert Silverberg
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