So WATERSHIP DOWN is one of my favorite books ever. Really an amazing book. And one of the best characters is Bluebell the rabbit.
He seems like a throwaway. He’s not one of the main characters. He can’t fight. He’s a jester. He tells bad jokes.

There’s a scene during the siege where General Woundwort is attacking and Hazel hears Bluebell telling a story on the other side of the wall.
And it is the best thing that can be done. It keeps everyone on the other side of the wall from going tharn. And Bluebell is probably scared shitless. He knows he’s gonna die. He knows he isn’t enough of a fighter to save anybody, but he sits and tells a story anyway.
I think about Bluebell a lot.
I don’t have any idea what’s really going on. I’m not good with people. Being responsible for things makes me panicky. I am constantly, brutally aware of all the things I can’t fix.

But bad jokes and good stories count for a lot. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.
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