Here is a list of reasons why this is absolutely the Coalition Government's fault; #AustraliaBurning
It isn't only the Government's spurious claims and ineptitude around Climate Change that are hurting us, it's their reluctance to even support the most basic of preventative measures. Including making enormous budget cuts to research and public services.
Just last month, Morrison announced even more cuts to the public sector (the Government has cut billions). These services have a direct impact on fire prevention, rescue and relief, including health, environment, research, communications, and community services like the ABC.
In fact, I would argue the Morrison Government has, more than any Government before it, campaigned to make 'public services' the enemy, those same public services who are on the ground right now, saving our country against all odds.
And yes there are failings from the other parties, ludicrous ones that beggar belief, but there is no party that has consistently harmed our environment, succesfully undermined anti-climate change campaigns, and hurt firefighting efforts more than the Coalition. This is on them.
Apparently this tweet in the thread has been blocked for some reason?
Attaching this tweet to the end here, so you have access to the link above. I implore everyone to read this report from 2003. It's heartbreaking, but so important. #AustraliaOnFire
Oh and if this thread is the shot - here's your chaser.
ICYMI This thread is now a Video, thanks to you guys and your support.
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