This 2020, I’ll start tweeting #ToughLove pieces of advice.
Let’s start with something simple, shall we?

If there are people around you who don’t like you, that’s okay. Get used to it. Do YOU like everyone? That’s just how it is. Don’t make it your life’s purpose to be liked.
#ToughLoveTip No. 2
You are never going to be the best at everything.
You may never even be the best at anything.
That is not an excuse to slack off.

Make improvement your goal.
Aim to be better at things than you were before.

#ToughLove Tip No. 3

If you think that getting a bachelor’s degree is enough for you to get a good job after graduating, you’ll be in for a rude awakening soon.

Learn new skills!
Find a part-time gig!

DO NOT graduate with an empty CV.
#ToughLove Tip No. 3
Live within your means even if it’s a life you don’t particularly enjoy.

Working hard for what you want may seem unglamorous, but it’s way better than working hard only to pay off debt.
Don’t try to look rich to end up actually poor.

#ToughLove Tip No. 4

There’s a fine line between a fan and a fanatic.

No matter how “perfect” someone seems, remember that they’re just people. They will say & do things you wouldn’t like. They’ll even make mistakes! 😱

You don’t have to blindly take their side at all times.
#PayoNiAteLyqa #ToughLove Tip No.5
If you want something done, don’t wait for help. It may never come.
You may have to do everything yourself.

Anyone who’s done group work in school can attest to this.

Just do your part.
Let them fail.
(And later in life)
Let them starve.
#PayoNiAteLyqa #ToughLove Tip No. 6
There are people who won’t be happy when you succeed unless they can somehow (even in the slightest bit) claim that they had a hand in that happening so they can make it all about them.

Don’t let them rob you of your joy.
#PayoNiAteLyqa #ToughLove Tip No.7
If you read this, you have no right to use ignorance as an excuse. You have access to the internet. And with it comes the ability to educate yourself-not just on issues, but with skills to earn a living.

Kung di mo pa rin alam, tinamad ka lang.
#PayoNiAteLyqa #ToughLove Tip No.8
Don’t believe everything you see or hear. Don’t believe everything everyone says no matter how confident they may be.
Madalas, kung sino ang maingay, sila pa ang mali. Hindi yan palakasan o paramihan. Ang tama ay tama kahit mas marami ang mali.
In life, the majority may win, but that doesn’t mean that they’re always right. Being right and choosing to do good is almost synonymous to being alone.
You will be ostracized.
You will be scared.
You may even be threatened or hurt.

Be ready.

#PayoNiAteLyqa #ToughLove Tip No.9
#ToughLove Tip No. 10

You can be good friends with someone with different VIEWS, but NOT with someone with different VALUES.

Yun nga lang, sa mundong ito, you will have to be able to, at the very least, coexist with EVERYONE and ANYONE.
#ToughLove Tip #11

Life’s not fair.
People aren’t fair.

If we let that stop us,
who, then, will try to make things fair?
Do what you can to make it but don’t do it out of spite.

Remember how it feels to be powerless so when you get a slice of the 🥧, you won’t forget to share.
#ToughLove Tip #12

You have to learn to live with yourself before you can learn to love yourself.

Are you okay with being alone with your thoughts? It doesn’t have to be for a long time, but you have to be ready to engage in difficult conversations with yourself.

Know YOU.
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