i feel like my generation lost hobbies.

everything doesn’t have to be a hustle, side hustle, or money making enterprise. sometimes it’s just fun to do something because it brings you joy, peace, relaxation, or allows you to be creative.

let’s rediscover hobbies in 2020.
Additionally. Hobbies don’t have to cost a ton of money or eat a ton of time.

Like photography? Walk around town and take photos with your phone.

Interested in a certain topic? Join a meet up group and meet new humans to discuss it with.
Want to learn to knit? Look up some YouTube videos and head to the thrift store for cheap supplies courtesy of everyone who gave up before you 😹

Enjoy running? Join a local running group, most run store have them for all levels and paces.
Like cooking? Start a progressive cooking club with some friends.

Into podcasts? Organize a podcast listening club that meets every week or month to discuss episodes.

Want to do good? Volunteer your time for a cause / org you’re passionate about.
Hobbies seem impossible because we’ve been groomed to be hyper productive so time spent not earning $ is a waste. We’ve also been taught that consumption = good so obviously I need the biggest / best thing to have a hobby.

Nope. Just spend a little time doing something you like.
I started thinking of more examples of how hobbies can work, even if your money is funny then I decided against it because some folks would rather tell you all the reasons why something is impossible rather than think of creative and communal ways to make it possible 🤷🏾‍♀️
Muting this but so happy to see so many of you committing to a hobby next year AND sharing tips and tricks with folks interested in one of your hobbies ❤️ Remember there’s no one way to have a hobby, just do a little something for you.
You can follow @kashia.
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