"leftists" stop believing old 4chan trolls and random 100 follower account takes are representative of people's views and doing the right's culture war work for them challenge
i just saw someone in a communist org post the fake 4chan numerical privilege chart as indicative of some failure in social justice discourse, when told it's fake they said well maybe but SOME people still think this!

it's completely unfalsifiable nonsense
the right wing tactic for stuff like this is the same - you make a story out of a very misleadingly framed thing that actually happened or 1 person said or just outright make it up. you say "look, this is so ludicrous and wrong, and this is what *They* want to do to society!"
if it's debunked, the idea is still in people's heads and you can go "well it's *representative*". well meaning people end up confused and unsure, people who previously didn't have an opinion associate social justice and leftism with their dismissive/angry emotional response
right wing control of the media and the "story" is really powerful psychologically and there's left wing people on this site doing their jobs every day by boosting obvious trolls and 100 follower accounts purely to tut about how ridiculous they are and The State of The Left
i keep seeing people taking that fucking 4chan privilege score chart from 6 years ago as some serious expression of how some people think and getting mad at it and ffs. stop pretending you're an authority on anything if you're so fucking gullible
https://haggord.tumblr.com/post/61745129696/tomoatmeal-if-youve-run-out-of-things-to-be/amp makes me think of this and how many people engage like this

"Who in the hell has even heard of a goddamned laundry competition!?"

"Nobody. Because they don’t exist, remember?"

"I know, but if they did can you even imagine how stupid they would be?""
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