Web 1.0 was - ideologically - the most healthy model for the internet we have ever seen, as it was decentralized and far less constrained by the jaws of capitalism.

Web 1.0 was a glimpse into a sustainable, communal, anarchist internet that was promptly crushed by capitalism.
Fan sites and webrings were communities in the real sense of the word - individuals voluntarily banding together in mutual interest and group aid to build a network stronger than the sum of its parts.
It may sounds silly out of context, but webrings were actually a brilliant model of anarchist web communities - a show of support for your comrades and a pledge to assist each other when needed and in turn promote crossover.
Giving people accessible/open tools and space to make their own websites and connect them together will always be healthier and more sustainable than closed, locked-down platforms run by capitalists.
TBH the closest thing we have to a modern version of this model is the delightful Neocities project: https://neocities.org/ 
The Advertising Industry upon which the modern web builds its unsustainable revenue models is cultural vandalism and a disturbing invasion of privacy.
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