Here we go @NastyReturns

Time to wake the people up!

1) The following thread is an adaptation from @TheCollectiveQ / Anonymous combined from AND and all sources they supplied which are free to share.

Part 1 (March 13, 2019)

This is a message from The Anonymous Charity also known as The Collective (Now George) +++

The Bloodlines of The Elite and The History of The Illuminati
3) The following is an understandable, detailed, and summarized timeline of events and people which have been proven scientifically, archaeologically, genetically and historically. It is time you all wake up and see the world as it truly is.
4) Please know this was not written in order to attack any personal beliefs, but rather to let you know what is really going on. You have been lied to. The Anonymous Charity are not writers, merely researchers. (As are *Anons)
5) You must open your mind and free yourself from the brainwashing control they have put you under if you are to continue this.
6) You must realize that what you know is simply not true and our research and the evidence brought forth here will challenge and discredit most if not everything you believe. It will hurt your feelings. You will want to be defensive and not try to listen to the content.
7) It will make you angry. You will start to understand and your eyes will begin to open. It will make you act. You will know the truth and you will understand that freedom is only obtained when we speak the truth. Your life is about to change.
9) D N A

Let's begin with the very structure of the group of people we will discuss. The structure begins with DNA. The Blood. What “brings them all and in the darkness binds them”.
10) Why do they fund and support human trafficking on a global scale?

Why do the elites give up everything for their drug of choice, Adrenochrome?

Even the "Good Book" itself says that, "The Life is in the Blood."
11) It has been proven that a specific blood antigen runs through the inbred 13 families, led by the Rothschild's and Rockafeller's who rule our world. There are eight main families with the rest barely known to the public.
12) Their blood type is Rh Negative and not a pure human blood antigen or found naturally in any other species. It is metal based, mainly copper. They have infected almost all of us with the Rh "protein". There are many different forms of this.
13) We will only look at one strand that runs in this bloodline.
14) While almost everyone has Rh protien in their DNA, the mutation in the negative blood type creates a "cannibalistic" gene which literally eats the DNA of the offspring created with any other type of blood.
15) Note that every living creature known to man can breed with anyone of their species. Hemolytic disease (which it is called) is the allergic reacion that occurs when an Rh negative mother is carrying a Rh positive child.
16) Her negative antigens produces antibodies to detroy the positive antigen (the same way it would a virus), thereby destroying the offspring. This same problem occurs in mules (hybrid of a horse and donkey) which is why no mules or other hybrids we have produced ever procreate.
17) Nowhere in true nature does this occur. This fact alone points to the cross-breeding between two similar but gentically different species. Hemolytic disease would not occur in humas if we were all of the same species.
18) This could be dubbed "vampire-like", could it not? Don't be turned off by terms. Understand the meanings of them. The world is not what you have been told.
19) This blood is high in metals and other foreign structures that simply do not exist naturally in pure human DNA.
20) Interesting to note an old saying: "Iron and blood do not mix." or 'Eisen und Blut' as Otto von Bismark stated in 1862. Now we see all sorts of metals planted in our air called "Chem-trails" that are known to alter DNA, killing off those with certain strands of the Rh.
21) Yes, it is targeted. Planned. Conspiracy.
22) Not only is this a fascinating mutaion but also the DNA "ladder" that we traditionally see in pictures is doubled and fit together in a way that creates what are called Rhesus Boxes. (Rhesus being the name of Rh).
23) Another intriguing deatail, the chemical structure of the DNA is the shape of a 6 pointed star, a hexagram. This makes the cells much larger and more bulky, also making it difficult for them to move as normal cell structures do, further causing issues with this breed.
24) The other formation it takes is a 5 pointed pentagram style.
25) This is a very, very, VERY simplified breakdown just so you understand the key parts of the blood and the interesting "coincidences". As we go along you will see the importance of it. There is soo much more tied to this blood type.
26) One more thing before we move on: It is imperative for the women with this blood type to be perfectly matched with men of a compatible blood type in order to have maximum chances of having offspring that will survive through birth and even further selections must be made...
27) order to have a functioning, lasting product after birth as most will be handicapped in some severe way. Due to this, the purity of the blood is paramount.
28) It must be pure. Even with precautions, the risk is high for death at, during, before and shortly after birth, typically until the 8th or 9th year.
29) Now, what does this have to do with the topic at hand?

Everything, as a matter of fact. Have you never noticed that the '13 families that rule the world today' have always inbred?
30) Do you wonder why they own all major hospitals, churches, schools, mental health centers, cemeteries and laboratories?
31) Not to mention a multitude of secret places we will never know about like the exposed Dulce Base and Area 51. Oh yes... and all mainstream media and some alternative sell outs.
33) We traced this blood type back to a few women from the Ashkenazi Khazar lineage. This line comes from the Germanic, Slavic and Roman areas. The ancient tribe of women who resided in this area were called Kedarites (Qedarite).
34) You will notice as we go on, when different spellings are found I will put them in parenthesis for you to see. The Kedar were strong, warrior women who are notably documented around 10th century BC (year 1000 BC).
35) We are going to be using BC and AD for this document as there is no difference between BCE and BC etc. The tribe is named after Kedar, daughter of Ishmael. Kedar means darkness - a reference to their belief in the occult.
36) Kedar's father, Ishmael and his mother were banished from his father's land because his mother had different blood. She carried the gene and it was passed through Ishmael to his daughter Kedar. Her bloodline is the bloodline we speak of.
37) As in real life, they will remain in the shadows for now but we will draw them out from time to time as we go along. Funny how we see so many stories about warrior women, Xena warrior Princess, and the ever exotic Amazonian women. I'm sure you can think of your own as well.
38) Tales and Legends come from somewhere. To find truth you must go back to the origin of it.

Let's take a look at the men for a moment, since they are the ones we always see.
39) But before going any further, please note: This series will not be getting into personal opinions of any topic, the facts stated here are for no other purpose than making note of key points of the bloodlines beliefs -
40) beliefs - their mindset and why they do what they do. How they think and act. Hopefully exposing this in such a way you can understand and KNOW YOUR TRUE ENEMY and act accordingly.
41) The only purpose for the mention of their beliefs at all is simply because they are intricately woven in their reasoning, actions and history. People's beliefs make them who they are and I will disclose all information found out about these people here.
42) Comfortable or not. Truth is not always pretty or fun.
43) There are many proofs, including names of people documented in sacred, archaeoligical, and historical texts. All correlating versions of names used between these works will be included and mentioned as much as possible. Not to confuse but to educate.
44) Names are changed constantly by the families and the past researchers who have looked into the different names have not been able to tie them together, as we do here.
45) Thanks to the internet and the amount of information we can see, we are able to translate names, words and make the connections that could not be seen before.
46) To our astonishment we realized, archaeologisits, genealogists and historians from different countries and studies, languages, backgrounds have never connected the dots. Most people stay in a narrow rut in their thinking and education, keeping them blind and indoctrinated,
47) which disables them from looking further and seeing the big picture which leads to full truth. [Expand YOUR thinking].
More to come

Stay “tuned” 😂
48) As far as the changing names, it's just like how we use multiple spellings and definitions for most words, such as: their, there, they're. This is how it is with the names. {Their} deception is enough to blind the masses.
49) We have all heard the stories of Abraham, Noah, the tribes of Israel. These names did belong to real, living, people in history at one time. The 13 families are very proud of the fact that they can trace their line back to Cain,
50) although they do not make this information public and silence those that have done so. In previous documents we began searching into the Papel bloodlines and found so much more.
51) That is, simply put, all we aimed to do here, however, you will find... it ended up unraveling much more than we dreamed. We have added a few of the juicy details for your enjoyment.
52) Since most lineage is boring and no one has the mental capacity to focus, more than a few minutes at a time, we are only going to hit on the key people who played a large role in the formation of our world today...
53) in hopes it will help to keep your focus here until the end of this first part.

In the beginning... was murder.

If we go to the families' claimed beginnings; Cain, we can instantly see it has been proven he had "bad" blood.
54) He was the first noted murderer. He was born around 4004 BC (40th century BC) and was twin to a sister, Aklia. His brother, Abel, was murdered by him because of jealousy when they were teenagers and Cain married and had children with Abel's twin, Luluwa.
55) She was beautiful and Cain's lust for was strong. Cain and his descendants were exiled and the bloodline was disowned by the family (separated).
56) Jumping forward (we will not spend time on details easy to find as time is precious) in the lineage it is easy to find Abraham (another big name in the families) who can be traced back to Cain through Moses.
57) We will not list this here. Many things we will leave for you to find for yourself. You do not learn unless you do the work yourself, we cannot spoon feed EVERYTHING to you, nor should you believe we say without proving it to yourself.
58) One woman, called Hagar (related to Cain) had Abraham's firstborn son, named Ishmael (born 1860 BC), both were outcast because of jealousy and the excuse that she had "bad blood".
59) They eventually settled in the Wilderness of Paron (now Palestine) where Ishmael married a girl from his mother's homeland of Egypt and Saudi Arabian areas.
60) Earlier we discussed the Kedar tribe and gave a very small, brief description of their DNA ("bad blood") More on them later. For more details on this topic of their DNA please watch:
61) One of Abraham's many grandsons was Jacob.

Jacob, born 1791 BC, was a twin. You will see twins pop up frequently.
62) He had 12 sons which, once their families were too large (several thousand) to be contained in the "family hut" - if you will - they went out to their own areas: around the middle east, Mediterranean and down towards Africa.
63) That is why some descendants of Jacob's son Naphtali (and the rest) are found in these locations through history. This area was called Canaan. The land of Canaan, not to be confused with the man we will discuss next.
64) This is the same area Rome with puppet Israel is attempting to take over currently. As we have discussed elsewhere, the bloodline wishes to reclaim its "birthright".
65) The 12 brother's families (clans, tribes) are in their fathers (Jacobs) land of Canaan where they have separated to different areas given to them within Canaan.
66) There is a bit of confusion through our history books today so we will clear that up here. Remember who controls what you know: these families. They don't want you to know the truth. So they will keep it from you, and easily can.
67) The popluar tribe of Dan included the relatives descended from Dan, Naphtali, and Asher, three of the sons of Jacob. The three families (tribes) were grouped together according to how the sons of Jacob had camped, around their family "temple",
68) when there were only the sons and immediate families. These three sons camped facing north, the direction their descendants travelled later on. These families grew as neighbors and eventually formed the collective called the Tribe of Dan - as Dan was the largest family by..
69) over five thousand relatives! Talk about having a family barbecue with that crowd! We see the elite come from this tribe of Dan, these three families, so we will look deeper at these three. We will not lump them together as everyone has as it only creates lies and confusion.
70) A bit about Dan and Naphtali themselves: They were twins, born in 1703 BC, of a woman who had different DNA from their father, his wives, and their step-brothers. They were white, light-haired with light eye color and they were "unnaturally large and strong".
71) Naphtali, like his mother, was deep into the occult and very aggressive. Naphtali means wrestling and the symbol of his family is the Deer stag.
72) Dan was in fact commanded, when he recieved his inheritance, to be a judge/watcher over Naphtali, to keep him in check... typical big brother stuff.
73) His family adopted the symbol of the scales of justice and can be followed through history with this as well as the symbol of horned viper.
74) Unlike the snake or serpent symbols used to distort, the horned viper, which was the same word used for scorpion in that time, was our equivalent to a fox: quick, wise, cunning, camouflaged, dealing swift judgement on any who pass too close without bias.
75) The mutant DNA their mother, Bilhah, had is only passed through the women and only forms in certain of their offspring. Dan was white skinned, light-haired and light-eyed, tall and strong like his twin but not abnormally large (gigantic),
76) or disfigured or corrupted with a rage and restlessness. This race has been called Caucas, Elohim, Sumerians, and the Elder Race (AKA Aryan).
77) Needless to say, Dan and Naphtali were outcasts in their darker toned family, as was Asher because he was born out of marriage, by a different woman. This made the three brothers very close. They had the common bond of being outcasts and offspring of different women.
78) As they grew, their families became even closer and finally as tensions grew between the 12 tribes, the three decided to leave Canaan (and the lands from their inheritance) and sail around in search of their own land.
79) Thus, the first pirates and vikings were born! The three tribes became deeply involved in trade, gold, produce and opium. These things have always been and will always be controlled by the bloodline.
80) These are their sources for constant income. We can see the Vikings (Dans) adopted the vipers appearance as their ships structure making it easy to glide across the water as the snake glides across sand; silent and quick.
81) While the pirate (Naphtali) ships, clearly meant to carry goods, slaves, furs, soldiers and especially heavy weapons like cannons. This type of ship is made to be in battle and they have always been a war-loving people.
82) That is one major way to follow the bloodline, simply look at the wars and revolutions around the world and you will find them. Or, of course, follow the money. Or follow the drugs or the religions. If you look deep enough, it will lead you to the elite.
83) This makes it easy to see the difference in the tribes and their histories, knowing the interests in DNA.
84) ***Side note: Ancient Hebrew, Greek and Sanskrit texts define Elohim as "gods, from god, of god, child of god" etc. Most religions have purposely misinterpreted this as meaning the Christian God.
85) There are endless examples of this redefining of terms upon translation of the documents to English and other languages.
86) Again, don't blind yourself by jumping to an assumption of what a term means, unless you have looked it up yourself through multiple different sources, you do not know the definition and you should not use the term.
87) That point must be clear. It cannot be stressed enough. You must unlearn what you have learned.
88) As we have been told, "In order to taste my cup of water you must first empty your cup. Drop all your preconceived and fixed ideas and be neutral. Do you know why this cup is useful? Because it is empty".
89) To mention Naphatali's family for a moment, one of the first locations we see the tribe is Arcadia (Akkadia, AKA Greece). We can see their language writen in Akkadian archaeology.
90) Called Akkadian cuneiform, a written language or dashes and dots, it is seen today in an app for twitter. Documents note their shepherding skills, wealth, beauty, piety and merchant status, which they kept through history.
92) *reminder* If YOU don't know what a word really means, look it up. I can guarantee that the typical reader of this will not know the true definitions of most of the descriptive words and terms used here.
93) Governments around the world have changed the definitions of words and it is important to understand exactly what they mean.
94) Since the 1940's American schools' terms and those used by the government have been distorted and morphed into meaning things they simply do not truly mean. Please look up definitions.
95) B4 we continue with the Naphtali tribe... around this time, we come across a few notable members of the tribe. The elite families are proud to claim ancestry to Nimrod, a Babylonian (Akkadian) king described as a giant or Nephilim, a murderous tyrant and descendant of Cain.
96) Nimrod, the great great grandson of Noah and son of Cush, lived about 2268 - 1868 BC. He built not only Babylon, later called Accad or Akkadia, but also Erech (Urek), Nineveh, and Calah.. We now call his land Assyria.
97) Nimrod's uncle, Canaan, (not to be confused with the Land of Canaan) had sons who also carried the bloodline (remember these families/tribes were tens of thousands of relatives and covered much of the land at that time).
98) Canaan's sons were Zidon, Heth, Amori, Gergashi, Hivi, Arkee, Seni, Arodi, Zimodi and Chamoth.
99) Sargon of Akkad, (Akkadian: Sarru-kinu, meaning "the true king" or "the king is legitimate"), is documented as a Semitic Akkadian emperor and was famous for his takeover of the Sumerian area in the 23rd and 22nd centuries BC, killing the Kish king and usurping his throne...
100) ...before embarking on the quest to conquer Mesopotamia.

He is the first documented "king" we see from the Naphtali family since they typically had their Kedar wives named Queen. Leaving the male as the secondary and lower power.
101) As we have discussed before, they believe women are superior as they carry the blood. They make their gods in female forms.
102) Now, we have come quite a long ways in years... While we have been talking, the sons of Jacob and their families have had many many generations and formed their own clans, they have traveled all over the place from Israel to Russian to Asia to Rome.
103) We will get more into these areas in time to come, however in an attempt to reduce confusion, we will continue with those of the Naphtali tribe of the elite for now.... Let's go back for a moment and take a look at them in more detail.
104) The tribe of Naphtali was deep into astrology and were intimate with the tribe of Kedar because of Bilhah's blood. David's son Solomon was born of a woman descended from Bilhah's tribe. Can you see it? That's right... The tribe of Kedar.
105) So, the two tribes who have made up the elite bloodlines are the Kedars and Naphtalis'.
106) (Naturally, some from the tribe of Dan as well as the tribe of Asher have mixed into this, but it is easy to spot the majority of the pure blood of the elite are from the combining of these two tribes.)
107) The star we see and are told is the star of David has nothing to do with the house of David but rather we see yet again the elite deception using the pagan pentagram for sun worship, (star, Saturn worship, Satan) of David's infected son, Solomon,
108) . People can always change, which is something to keep in mind. Solomon did have a change of heart by the end of his life... he was married to a pagan Sun worshipper from the tribe of Kedar and was deeply involved in the occult himself as well.
109) He was also a master builder, a Mason, unlike David who was forbidden. The Star of David is in reality the Seal of Solomon and once again the world believes a lie.
110) We see this "star" (sun, halo) covering history, art and statues, marking the trail of the Jesuit, Zionist, Freemason, satanic, anti-catholic popes and rulers even today. This halo or sun represents illumination: Lucifer.
111) Everything is inverted: opposite. This elite group hides behind the facade and twisted definition of "Jew" a derogatory term they created for those from Judah, their hated enemies... Their brothers from another mother...
112) The people they have murdered relentlessly for centuries and the very people they claim to be. The perfect cover. Keep your enemies closer.
113) The elite 13 control the world and they think they control you. Sadly, so do you and so many don't even care. Remember this: They control everything and own nothing.
114) Today we see the families controlling governments, and all powers on Earth. Do you know what they own? Their car? Their jets and planes? No. They own nothing. Why do you think it matters so little to them if taxes are higher for the upper class in America?
115) They wouldn't be taxed. They starve people in Africa and Venezuela. They don't care because they do not starve. They do not care for you. They simply hold the cards (money, power) of control.
116) . They control you to keep you at arms length, to keep you from opening your mind and freeing your potential.
117) . They keep you brainwashed and deceived in every facet of life. They think you are a pestilence that must be destroyed. You must understand that. THEY THINK YOU ARE A PESTILENCE THAT MUST BE DESTROYED!!! But, never forget this: You are priceless.
118) The knowledge, the power you can have terrifies them. That is the one thing they can never control. Your ideas. YOU. I hope this series helps you realize this.
119) To get a time frame again, about 900 BC King David had come to reign, just as the three families called the tribe of Dan began travelling around.
120) After David, his Kedar-blooded son Solomon, also married a Kedar woman and daughter of the Pharaoh, and began worshipping Ashtoreth like her. (Ashtoreth AKA Star (sun), also known as Astarte, Chiun, Kaiwan, Remphan, Ra, El and Saturn derived from Satan).
121) Solomon built alters using the symbol of the star we hear referred to as the Sar of David, more correctly, the Star of Judah or the Juden (people of Judah, Jew).
122) Both David and Solomon are described as having red hair, white skin and a talent for music and taming beasts, and love of wine, besides David's battles with giants, or Nephelim whom he defeated,
123) . Now, calm down. Stay focused here. What is written here will go against the majority of readers' beliefs and views. However, if your views and beliefs are based on what some other person told you and brought you up in and indoctrinated you with, then they are NOT yours.
124) In that day, giants and nymphs and all sorts of creatures openly ruined the world and slaughtered many. This history is kept hidden from you so you will be lost when they rise again. Which will be soon...
125) Back to the three families of the tribe of Dan: Asher, Dan and Naphtali. They eventually separated. However, historians and religious documents keep them under the same title, even after the clear split, to keep us all oblivious to the truth and to hide the elite.
126) This is where one major confusion begins. If you follow historical documents closely you can identify the differences and see clearly which tribes went where.
127) The culmination of the three tribes known as Dan, traveled west to the American continent where some of the Asher tribe stayed (here we see Native American Indian tribes and further down, the Aztec and Myan in the North, the Eskimo tribes as the families split and spread).
128) These are from the Asher tribe.
129) The remaining tribe of Asher split when the Tribe of Dan travelled back toward Canaan. The Asher tribe settled in their brothers (Naphtali and Dan) mom's homeland of Egypt and Arabian areas.
130) Remember Naphtali and Dan were born of a Kedar woman. They reunited with the remnants of Bilhah's ancestors (including Cleopatra, Narmer, Menes etc).
131) The rest of the Dan Tribe, which now only included Naphtali and Dan clans, traveled north. Some of the Naphtali's stayed in Ireland, Scotland and Britain as they sailed and explored the north. Britain was called Albion then.
132) As they traveled some Dans settled in Iceland, ScanDANavia, and DANmark. Leaving the name of DAN on the territories they conquered. We will see these places come back into play so don't forget who is where right here.
133) Let's take a look at the Celts since we are in the area. During this time. the 500's, the Keltoi AKA Celtai, remnants of the Naphtali tribe who had settled there centuries before, had grown quite numerous.
134) . They were the most powerful people with an organized culture and developed social structure. Their issue was they had no political unity, no government besides the leader of their clan. Each clan had a different dialect or language.
135) We would call this a code in military terms. This continues today.

The only remaining strain of one of their speech is heard in some Welsh dialects. When the Celts rose into Britain, the Druids "came forth".
136) The Celtic rulers, Druids, were the guardians of traditions and learning: they were lawyers, doctors, poets, religious leaders. Sound familiar? As usual, the Elite Controllers along with their power structure left no written accounts,
137) and what the Romans wrote of them is that they performed animal and human sacrifice, believed in a form of reincarnation, and held a high position in the Gaul Society (the Franks). This is all still practiced by them today.
138) A historian of their time, Pliny, was able to record one of their rituals. He wrote:
139) Makes you think twice about hanging some mistletoe at Christmas, huh?
140) So, the Druids invade Britain and impose their religious, scientific, historic and militaristic ways of life, as they do on all they conquer. They dictated planting seasons, time, calendar, festivals and rituals and glorified war, astrology and horsemanship.
141) The current American president, Trump, is from a druid bloodline of the elite. We will look into this region much more, later on... about 1000 years from now.
142) Now we come to mid 1100's BC and many have heard of the Battle of Troy. We know a bit about Helen of Troy, enough to get the idea of her proclaimed beauty and how she bewitched and controlled the wills of men. Helen is depicted in Ezra Pound's Canto 2 which states:
143) After Troy (Ilion, in present day Turkey) the two split for good and the Tribe of Dan was dissolved. (Though they are never separated by historians today.) The remaining Dans went back to stay in Danmark, Britain and the aforementioned areas.
144) The war-hungry nomads of Naphtali went on to possess the areas including Germany, Russia, down to the middle east, and Asian areas including the area the tribe of Kedar inhabited and Italy where they reunited with their bloodline who had stayed in Canaan centuries before.
145) This is what the history books still name the Tribe of Dan. It is NOT, it is the Naphtali family.
146) Just after Troy, A group of humans, lead by a hero of Troy called Brutus, went back to Britain and slaughter and mayhem going on and once the illusion Helen had been drowned (in blood) the men decided to clear the world of the evil blood line (The Dark Forces)
147) For a moment let's discuss Giants as they are the elite bloodline. Latin translations of these beings when interpreted mean the Giants, Titans, violents ones, pirates, Nephilim and fallen ones.
148) Know the terms and how they change language to language and area to area to time period to time period. Same meaning, different words is what makes people miss the full picture.
149) The Watusi tribe in Africa at their typical height are eight feet or just over two meters tall which is small for the Giants of old.
150) We see proof of Giants in archaeology across the world as well as depicted extensively through texts, religious, historical and scientifically. This should be the topic that needs the least explanation in order to be accepted.
151) Mummified giant remains have been found all across the world from Italy to Jerusalem to the midwest in USA some having protrusions from their skulls some are females covered in fur. Hmmm... sounds like a werewolf to me.
152) Most of the Giants that have been uncovered are red-haired and mummified as we would expect since we know the elite, their practices and their DNA giantism has been proven to accelerate under the proper atmospheric climate,
153) just like plants grow bigger and better under certain conditions, and a few thousand years ago the ozone layer was six times thicker than it is today.
154) Oxygen in the air was richer. Now as thin as it is, everything is smaller and everything dies faster. Skeletons prove they were quite larger than we see them get today.
155) However as the red-haired Giants of the Aphgan mountains were very large indeed it is obviously possible that larger sized Giants can still exist. The information is endless on these people. Undeniably proving they did exist.
156) The terms you feel comfortable using to describe them is up to you but matter little. As we look at the ancestors of the elite we come across many strange stories and documents thousands of years old describing them as they were before they perfected the breeding.
157) Many claims of the elite bloodline like the giant King Nimrod we discussed earlier we see his picture enstoned as he carries a grown lion like a kitten.
158) Anakim Giants, with skeletons ten metres tall which is over 30 feet were found in Romania 1976, they were sent to Russia for analysis and never seen again... Typical.
159) Even modern films depict giants, shape-shifters and all sorts of creatures that were quite commonly known by many peoples. The American natives had such an issue with the six-fingered Giants they started giving the raised hand gesture in order to see who was friend or foe.
160) The ones with 6 fingers and toes seemed to be an "issue" everywhere... violent cannibals. Greek champion Ajax was a giant who fought in the Trojan War.
161) Underground cities were built very long ago to keep the other species who live here secret from you. The list goes on and on of the covering and uncovering of historical evidences and archaeological finds.
162) One need not look in archaeology to find the Giants roaming the earth today, though you can rest assured it is nothing compared to HOW they were...
163) Now, back to our timeline. Born in Italy, 1131 BC Brutus eventually became King of Briton (AKA Brutus DarDANian from Troy, Bryttys, Brut) when he and his men killed a great number of the giants in Briton and eventually their king Gogmagog in a duel with Corineus...
164) (Brutus' best warrior).

Corineus threw Gogmagog over a cliff to his death. Brutus then created a city on the banks of the River Thames and called it Troia Nova (new Troy now known as London).
165) Where his palace once stood, we see a pagan temple to Diana (now called St. Paul's with the London Stone being a part of the original altar).
166) Briton is derived from Brutus. Brutus can be traced back to Japheth, one of Noah's sons. Brutus is buried on Tower Hill. His land was split between his three sons, Locrinus was given England, Albanactus, Scotland and Kambur was given Wales.
167) During this time the Ark of the Covenant (a version of Pandoras' box or the cube as you will see later) was taken by the Philistines. Udiscovered until 1970's, the ark of the covenant had been buried in the side of a mountain.
168) A mountain which was later used to crucify criminals in the land of Judah, province of Rome. It was found by Ron Wyatt who discovered it under a crucifixion placing deep in the rock.
169) . The blood, from the sacrifice of pure firstborn lambs, who were crucified in order to purify one's soul from sin, had been drained into the ark of the covenant through a crack in the rock.
170) The Israeli government took over this project once it was made known, as usual. It is now in the posSession of the Vatican, as we would expect.
171) Back to the Naphtali tribe... As Brutus was conquering Britan and killing off the Giants there, the Naphtali's changed their names as often as their camping locations within their borders. They are restless people.
172) They continued in their trade of opium as well as oil with the Asher-Kedar tribes as they were and still are their best sources of wealth.
173) The area the Naphtali's traded and shipped their opium out of is what we now call the Golden Triangle (which is still the same opium business, same routine, same profit today).
174) The Golden Triangle produces an unmeasurable amount of opium. Most of what is grown and harvested is never distributed. Simply put, there is too much opium to go around.
175) The average Golden Triangle manager makes $5 Billion per year. This is one fifth of sales income. Think about that a moment.... .....
176) Owned by British Crown Colony (now London). Hong Kong is still the main money-transfer station with banks and organizations including Jardine Matheson, Charterhouse Japhet, Swire.
177) The Eli Lilly Company is one of their main hubs today. The trustee of Eli Lilly Endowment Walter William Wilson is in the illuminati and married to Helen Scudder (of the wealthy powerful Scudder family).
178) Wilson is a prominent partner of Morgan, Stanley & Co. controlled by Henry Morgan, also a mamber of the illuminati and part of the bloodlines as we will see later. The executive Vice-President Landrum Bolling represented Eli Lilly at the secret annual Dartmouth conferences,
179) overseen by the elite. The chairman of Eli Lilly Richard D Wood is the director of the Rockefeller's Standard Oil, Chemical Bank of NY, and the American Enterprise Institution for Public Policy Research.
180) The Director C William Verity Jr. is the director for Chase Manhattan Bank and associated with U.S. Intelligence, and works with Mrs. Rockefeller as a member of the USTEC.
181) Dan Quayle and George Bush have been part of Eli Lilly management too. This was included to give you a glimpse of how interwoven these people are. This is just one of hundreds of thousands of companies run through the elite.
182) Sorry to get so distracted. Let's continue.
183) The Naphtali group, which has now spread through Europe, Russia, Asia and the middle east, was and still is known for its endless, raging, war, restlessness, cannibalism, and deep occult beliefs.
184) Growing up to 11 metres, 37 feet. However, if they were giants then, as records show, they would have required much more to eat than humans. You can imagine the devastation and horror of those times.
185) that is still no excuse for all the pillaging and plundering. Pillaging and plundering are never acceptable forms of behavior! (😉) Let's look at all the action happening in Italy at this time.
186) Around 800 BC the Naphtali tribe thrived on the Palatine Hill for a few hundred years. The Vatican Hill is just across the Tiber from it. It would be helpful to look at a map of the area during this time so you can see how they are all set up.
187) Vatican Hill (named for the goddess of death and the underworld, Vatica) has a deep cave system used as an underground graveyard. Palatine was the center of the world's richest and most advanced city, Rome.
188) It is from this Hill the stories come of a cave under the hill housing Lupa, the she-wolf goddess who saves Romulus and Remus by feeding them her milk. Romulus and his twin brother Remus are then taken in and cared for by a shepherd.
189) The brothers grew up and killed their great uncle, who stole the throne, and built a new city of their own on the banks of the River Tiber.
190) In another tale, Hercules kills Cacus, a fire-breathing giant son of Vulcan, after he terrorized the people living on Aventine Hill, which (in the "myth") goes on to become Rome. The temple of Apollo as well as the Palace rests on Palatine Hill.
191) . Tiberius, Nero and Domitian are a few who resided in the palace of palatine Hill (meaning palace).
192) *Side Note* : What is a myth exactly? What is a legend? What if you consider this: Let's take fact AND fiction, myth AND legend, religion AND history and interpret them all equally.
193) In religion especially, we are told that certain things are "symbolic" but then other things are "real". What if we interpret everything as BOTH. Look at the symbolic side and look at the facts. Never use one source, release your mind. Let go of your mindset and opinions.
194) The truth is always simple and easy to understand. Only WE make things difficult and involved.
195) We have looked at every detail given in this document, every fact, every story, every poem, every song, every old text, every piece of stone, every tomb, every pyramid and tribe, every star chart and cycle and interpreted and realized them both symbolically and factually.
196) We can not shut our minds down by saying "this is to be taken as symbolism" and other things not. That is simply moronic.
197) In 776 we see the first recorded Olympic Games, to celebrate the superior race.

Homer writes his interpretation of the events of the day called Illiad and Odyssey.
198) The Rong tribe (from the west, Pannonia) invaded the Zhou region. (It's ok to laugh at that... We do.)
199) The Zhou kings' power declined and the land broke up into separate states whose rulers were under one Zhou king. Nobles became independent rulers and went to war and the stronger ones conquered the weaker till there were only a few left.
200) The Qin, conquered its rivals and its ruler became emperor of China in 221.

It is interesting that in 716 BC Romulus, the first emperor of Rome, dies. He was also known as Quirinus and deified.
201) As we have already observed, many from the elite bloodlines are sainted or deified. That is one way we can follow the elite. Just look up. They place themselves on pillars and thrones above us all. Numa Pompilius succeeded him as king.
202) Around 545 BC a city formerly called Rumula was founded as Rome. This was aslo the first culture to idolize people's faces by putting it on money. The first selfie.
203) Note that this would be yet another way to identify their reaches, by looking at countries currency.
204) Rome was supposed to be called Saturnia, after the planet and god they worship (Saturn, Satan, Apollo, Lucifer). The name was changed to Rome in honour of the first emperor Romulus.
205) It is interesting to note the more research done on so called "stories", the more fact they have than fiction. There is a reason. It should be obvious to those reading this.
206) In 706 BC the city of Taras was founded by "Spartan" settlers. Lacedaemon is the earliest recorded Spartan, who was king and named the land of Sparta, after his wife.
207) They had three sons Amyclas, Eurydice, and Asine. The land with its mountaintop temples and theatres has since been destroyed by fire and earthquakes, like many of the bloodlines dwelling places.
208) Spartans only acheive citizenship through blood, they had to be born of the bloodline from Sparta (Naphtali: the elite). Spartans were Naphtali-Kedar pure bloods.
209) The battle of Thermopylae was depicted in the Zack Snyder film, 300, showing the Spartans fighting tooth and nail which according to Herodotud in his histories they did.
210) He wrote, "they resisted to the last with their swords if they had them and if not, with their hands and teeth." The main weapon of a Spartan was a spear.
211) Now you have seen the elite travel and spread through the North and South Continent, the Middle East and wandering into Asia, spreading around through Turkey and back to Rome.
212) As we continue you will see more details on these areas. The 12 month calendar we use today was created in Rome in 672. Yes, the calendar you use today is fake and was censored and changed by them - as so much.
213) It it time to wake up. Your reality is a dream, you live in the matrix. Wake up Neo, wake up!
214) -End Part 1 (for now...)


sources: @TheCollectiveQ

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Thanks to the Anon who sent me this. Moar good stuff on the 🩸lines and history of Noah etc
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