Buckle up. Here’s a thread for those about to do #DryJanuary or some other #NewYearsResolution involving drinking.

Today marks the start of my 15th year without drinking alcohol.

There are a number of reasons - some old now, some still hold - at the time our kids were... 1/
...younger and I was tired.
We had a party and I wanted to drink a lot. So I did. But sneakily when I was filling plates or others’ glasses I’d have an extra gulp and got overly drunk overly quickly.

I fell asleep diagonally across our tiny lounge amongst acquaintances 2/.
So it was embarrassing for everyone else.
I was cranky at bedtime and obnoxious.

I woke up on 29th January 2005 with an horrendous hangover and decided for my marriage and family (and overall decency) I should stop drinking.

So I haven’t had one since.

It’s not always been easy but as long as you take responsibility for your own actions, make a solid and real decision and - crucially - have understanding friends and family it’s possible.

Tip 1. DECIDE. make the choice to stop drinking for your own reasons.

Tell people. 4.
2. TELL PEOPLE. I advise you to say “I don’t drink” instead of “I’m not drinking at the moment”.

Make it definite and solid otherwise friends will try and get you to have ‘just one - it won’t hurt’. (It might, depending on why you don’t drink).

Make it solid in YOUR mind.

3. Make sure your wider family / friends understand.

People often conflate ‘fun’ with ‘having a few drinks’. Make sure you explain that for you they’re not always linked and you’re having enough fun without doing shots and being in a big round.

Offer people lifts. 🙂

4. Remember why you’re doing it.

I stopped drinking to make myself a better version of me because drink doesn’t suit who I want to be.

(It turns me into a grumpy and overly sarcastic arsehole and that’s not really me).

I’m sarcastic enough already.

5. Don’t preach or judge.
You don’t drink for your own reasons. You don’t need to proselytise to your friends and family why they SHOULD do it too.

Be clear that you’re open to helping others and that your ears are open if they want to talk.

Be a good friend.

6. Do listen.

If people open up to you about their habits and their desire to change, please listen openly and do what you can to help.

Try not to be the ‘voice of reality’ and remind them they’ve tried that before etc.

Offer help and support.

Finally I’m here if anyone wants to talk about strategies for giving things up, starting things or generally need a sounding board.


Kindness goes a long way. Use it.

Good luck in 2020 and beyond. x

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