Sat, 12/28/19:

Today is the feast of the Holy Innocents under both the 1954 (double of the II class w/simple octave) and 1962 (II-class) rubrics. Today's feast highlights one of the greatest liturgical impoverishments to be found in the 1962 rites. (cont)

Prior to 1955, violet vestments were worn on this feast (unless it fell on Sunday). The Gloria was omitted and a tract was said in place of the Alleluia (again, unless the feast fell on Sunday). (cont)

According to Lasance, this feast was formerly a day of fasting in Rome in honor of the massacre of the innocents ordered by Herod, hence the violet vestments (never used on any other feast in the Roman rite). Later, mystical reasons were attributed (cont).

E.g., violet vestments are worn because the Holy Innocents were not able to attain the beatific vision immediately due to them being killed before Christ's sacrifice at Calvary. On their octave day (1/4), their Mass was said again w/red vestments, Gloria, & Alleluia. (cont)

The octave was suppressed by Pius XII in 1955. Hence, in the 1962 Missal, red vestments are always worn on this feast, the Gloria is said as usual on feast days, and the Alleluia is said instead of the tract. (cont)

Once again, we see the rationalism of the mid-20th century "reformers" on full display in the elimination of the centuries-old customs regarding this feast. May strictly-62ism fade away to be replaced with full acceptance of the pre-1955 Roman rite.

Also, commemoration is made of the octave of Christmas today, with Credo, preface of the Nativity, and proper Communicantes in the Canon.
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