This is a guide on how to maximise positive aesthetics on social media, I see a lot of polluting ugliness online, I am sick of it. Ultimately this is also a guide on how to live aesthetically and beautifully. https://twitter.com/NE0GRIT/status/1208596413325750272
Ultimately, you must work to shun ugliness out of your life, ugliness is a vampire, it seeks to weaken you and demoralise you.

seek to eliminate ugliness from your life.

cut it out of your life, constantly work on reducing the unaesthetic, the negative aesthetics will reduce
what is unaesthetic ?

i have reason to believe that each person has a sense for aesthetics, they know deep down on a biological and instinctual level what is and is not ugly.

an aesthetic sense, is like a skill, you can hone your sense of beauty.

this is very important
this is important because reducing ugliness and shunning that which is unaesthetic, will naturally create a positive feedback loop in you and in your thoughts

beauty is moral. you will objectively become a better person by increasing your aesthetic sensibilities.
by reducing ugliness, you increase the positive aesthetics in your life. you let your mind and spirit know. as you seek to make the world a better place, this will increase your sense of beauty and you in a sense make the world more GODLY, hence more moral https://twitter.com/NE0GRIT/status/1180648176468017154?s=20
it was important to outline the long term benefits of promoting positive aesthetics. pursuing aesthetics and cultivating a sense of beauty. will echo in all areas of your life.

strong, beautiful, moral.

these are the foundations of a good life. https://twitter.com/NE0GRIT/status/1164161565647654914
positive and negative aesthetics.

that which is positive aesthetics is that which is beautiful.

you already know what is and is not beautiful, we all know.

to appreciate beauty was a gift bestowed upon us by the divine.

please, please seek to increase this in this life.
negative aesthetics.

through journey through time and through and social media, i find a vast majority of negative aesthetics comes from those with a political mindset. https://twitter.com/GRITCULT/status/1209873460660514816?s=20

not against politics per se

i am more for self overcoming. for positive aesthetics
majority of politicking on the internet consists of a series of perpetuating "low blows", but the thing with this negative feedback loop, this race to the bottom is that you both end up in the mud. you both get dirty, this is bad as you both perpetuate ugliness of one another
That which is ugliness is constantly given attention, constant pollution of the mind, of the visual.

anger and rage are one of the things that will trigger people to RT and like, you think you are doing your bit, being a political activist.

in reality, its negative aesthetics
i feel sick even thinking about this topic

but i must warn and advise others on the dangers of this type of mindset.

we all know the world is on the edge of darkness, it always has been so. this is no reason to live in the darkness.

i advise against "blackpilling" DISGUSTING
people who black pill tend to be ugly, their souls castrated and wallowing in despair.

i honestly seek to avoid these people. to cut them out of my life.

i cannot stand their weakness and lack of courage and spirit. they turn to perpetuate ugly, they are true evil.
by cultivating positive aesthetics,

you change your focus. you change your frame.

by focusing on the cultivation aspect of life. you look inward, you seek to build, you seek to create and change, this is true will to power. this is true divinity, creation is divine.
cultivation and curation is creation.

even learning about beauty itself, has been one of my greatest investments. there is no greater change i have endured than that of wanting to perpetuate beauty.
this is probably most true in fashion and architecture. what we see everyday will infact seep into our psyche.

do you think the man who is constantly taking some sort of perverse fetish like gratification from "black pilling" his fellow man is truly happy ?

no, he is a coward.
back to social media.

modern architecture of our day, of what we interact with on a day to day basis.

is software, is social media

cultivate your social media feeds
cultivate positive aesthetics

be mindful of the information you consume, it WILL effect you. pls be healthy
many say technology is ugly, this is wrong and misguided. it is merely poorly designed, social media architecture and content is focused on politics, is focused on negative aesthetics. this perpetuates the worse in man.

you must change how you use this tool. focus on beauty
your online habits and hobbies can aid you in positive aesthetics, they can encourage one another and spread beauty in the world
why is it that the ancients would decorate every single item and tool that they had?

what we interact with daily ought to be beautiful. it is healthy
what is beautiful is healthy.

this is so deeply ingrained in us, it is why i forwent the explanation of beauty. your body is wise, wiser than ideology or any form of politics, respect and cultivate your body. your body and gut know what is beautiful, learn to listen to it.
tips on cultivating aesthetic sense

learning is one of the greatest things you can do. to this effect use your time wisely and learn what is beautiful, study art theory, but always remember to listen to your body.

learn to recognise these patterns https://twitter.com/NE0GRIT/status/1046547037473460224?s=20
a vast majority of beauty comes down to symmetry.

to this day, the golden rule and the use of space down to numerical levels is still used. many who rebel against the notion of beauty would like to say beauty is social construction cannot help to realise the beauty of symmetry
another aesthetic sensibility is the effect it has on the viewer or observer.

this is why i believe curation and cultivation is creation. through the intermixing of objects the like, you create a new interrelation

you can create harmony, space and balance. and thus beauty

cutting out and avoiding those people who perpetuate ugly will make you embrace the beautiful

tis not vain or shallow to focus on self, to aim to strive for higher ideals

to live in the mud is the bugman destiny i advise live on your own terms https://twitter.com/ErraelInvictus/status/1210233788556627968
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