0/ The role that books play in sending people down the bitcoin rabbit hole cannot be understated. They also make decent gifts🎁. Here are some of my best IMHO-
A highly engrossing narrative (soon to be movie), following the journey of the @winklevoss twins, Bitcoin Billionaires is a highly accessible introduction to Bitcoin via @benmezrich
Prof. Hulsmann is a Senior Fellow @mises and notable speaker on Austrian Economics. @Stephanlivera interviewed him for a wide-ranging discussion earlier this year- https://bit.ly/2SkKGkh . @ydemombynes also wrote has a monster thread of the best quotes- https://bit.ly/2PUeYsN 
The Little Bitcoin Book: Why Bitcoin Matters for your Freedom, Finances and Future. Here’s @jimmysong talking to @bradydale in a @coindesk interview about @LittleBitcoinBk :
The perfect, no nonsense, high-level explanation of Bitcoin’s technical properties in under 100 pages. From forks to hash functions, @skwp has written the ideal primer for precoiners. Listen to his interview on @aroundthecoin here: https://bit.ly/2ShtiNv 
. @aantonop
is one of the few people able to communicate the technical assembly and operations of Bitcoin in a digestible and accessible way. He’s also made a digital version freely available on github. Consider supporting him via Patreon- https://bit.ly/2QhdUxJ 
The Sovereign Individual (1997) guides us through human history, leaving us with insight to navigate the present. As the printing press subverted medieval institutions, Davidson and Rees-Mogg posit that microprocessors will similarly subvert the modern nation-state.
Yes, that’s right- a children’s book about Bitcoin by @thebitcoinrabbi . Kids intuitively understand the concept of digital money and often have less ‘unlearning’ to do. Full animated version of the audiobook: https://bit.ly/2SmT6HS 
The Bitcoin Standard by Prof @saifedean is the book I've gifted the most. His 2018 lecture from a @bitcoin_at event is a great overview-
No introduction needed, @Snowden’s book, through his own story, reveals a deep conceptual understanding of trust, data and incentive structures. Regardless of your thoughts on Bitcoin, this book will stir up similar fundamental questions.
How should we act in an unpredictable world that we do not fully understand? @nntaleb ‘s concept of 'antifragility' (things that gain from disorder) is a gateway drug to Bitcoin.
Most of us best learn new concepts and technologies through analogies and storytelling. This compendium of transcribed talks by @aantonop covers things like- the history of money, open innovation, banking and scaling.
The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.
Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System- https://bit.ly/34NXRwU 
When it comes to disruptive innovations, mental models are useful to guide your thinking. This book of tools + frameworks from Farnam Street is the perfect reference.
From sewerage systems to corrugated iron to the number zero, @mattwridley shows us the preconditions most conducive to innovation while dispelling common myths.
The Price of Tomorrow by Jeff Booth explains what happens when deflationary technology meets inflationary money. It acts as a guide for where we currently stand and where we're most likely heading.
You can follow @anilsaidso.
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