It’s the summer of 2010. Many people in the SF Bay Area (+ elsewhere) are reaching the conclusion that photo-based apps would be a very big deal in this decade, and they were right.

However, why did Instagram win, over much better funded rivals Color and PicPlz ? A $100B story..
Lets back up to March 2010 first. Kevin Systrom had raised $500k seed for an app called Burbn, from a16z and Baseline Ventures. It was supposed to be a location-based startup but wasn't quite adding up for Kevin.

He started developing Instagram instead.. 
Color, another startup in this space meanwhile is readying a war chest. It goes on to buy the  domain for $350k. And  for another $75k.

That's $425k for domain names only, compared to all of $500k raised by Instagram by that point.
In Nov 2010, a16z doubles down on PicPlz instead, investing $5 million in it

Kevin had pivoted to what PicPlz was doing - a nuance which NY Times handled a little differently

"we couldn’t morally go with Instagram"

Ethics > $
Color, meanwhile, with its top tier pedigreed team and massive ambition, went on to raise $41 million ($25 million from Sequoia), before their app launched, and hired 38 people in its Palo Alto office, with room for more
The key difference here turned out to be usability.

Instagram was driven by "elegant minimalism", focusing on speed, self-expression (via filters) and instant gratification while PicPlz had an awkward UX, which this user pointed out
Color, which had a great concept, ran into a "chicken or the egg" marketplace problem as it wasn't offering tools to enhance pictures, only to group them based on location

If enough people used it at a location, it would be valuable - but what's the incentive for the first few ?
Instagram despite not having an Android app, and being up against startups (Color, PicPlz) backed by top-tier investors in its space, still came out ahead, as it focused on a simple + delightful product user experience.

It had the Hello Kitty effect.
Trying to understand how are breakthrough consumer products built: Stars vs Black holes.

Stars shine early + in all directions, but there are a billion trillion of them.

Black hole-like products are focused, grow quickly and put a real dent in the universe. Then, they shine.
"Our mantra, 'Do the simple thing first' took shape during these first weeks and months. ..If we had tried to future-proof everything we did, we might have been paralyzed by inaction."

Screenshot from my own notes +
Pre-Instagram Burbn had plateaued to about 1000 users. Founders chose a smaller, focused feature as a new product in itself: social photo sharing, for iOS users only initially.

They re-used Burbn code; 8 weeks dev time from start to finish => Instagram
Instagram Growth
- Sept 2010: Private beta of 100 users
- October 6, 2010: 25,000 users
- November 2010: 1 million users
- 2012: 30 million users
- 2013: 200 million users

Founders developed a very sharp + narrow focus, built a useful and beautiful product + leveraged Silicon Valley appropriately for news coverage.

Magic happened, they then focused on being able to scale and were able to take off exponentially
"The photography category seemed saturated, but Systrom saw an opening that many others didn’t"

Reading these essays inspired this thread: 

Instagram was "not much new"

cc @paulg you might like this thread
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